Dear all, You may note …

Dear all,

You may note that for PhD-level students the course has code KJM9120, but it is still the same course, and I will in all respects treat them as one, and mostly refer only to KJM5120.

Those of you who are taking an exam in the course need to register properly for the course at Department of Chemistry.

The course will run on 9 full days (each ca. 5 hours effective lectures and colloquiums).

The proposed dates are:

September 17, 18, 19 October 1, 2, 3 November 19, 20, 21

Backup dates: November 5, 6, 7 November 12, 13, 14

If you plan to attend, please indicate your availability at each of the indicated blocks of dates as soon as possible, by sending an email to

In addition there will be an exam some day after, that we will agree on later together with the sensor.

All teaching will take place in connection with the institute's and my facilities in 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken (Oslo Research Park). You will be informed in more detail later on.

The curriculum is a compendium that will be provided for you before or at the start of the course.

The exam is oral (30-40 min) and is done by drawing a set of questions/problems - one from each chapter. It is thus not directly trivial to pass...and PhD students even need a "B" (> 70% result) to pass. Attendance is thus recommended, although not required.

Regards, and looking forward to seeing you at the most defective course the Univ. Oslo offers,

Truls Norby

Publisert 23. aug. 2007 00:46 - Sist endret 15. des. 2007 06:00