
Published Apr. 18, 2020 10:34 AM

The exam in KJM3110 Electrochemistry was originally announced to be held June 2 in Silurveien as a written digital Inspera exam.

Due to corona, it will instead be held as 30 minutes oral exams online over Zoom on the same day, June 2. The time table will be agreed on with you and posted in advance, and you will receive Zoom invitations. 

You will get 4 tasks or themes to solve, explain, or discuss, each expected to take 5 minutes. One from a real or virtual lab exercise or excursion, and 3 from different selections of the curriculum that we describe as general, theoretical, and application oriented chapters.

It is recommended to have pen/pencil and blank paper available. 

We will give example of at least one exam set and practice its format during at least one of the last lectures.

Published Apr. 5, 2020 2:38 AM

V?ren 2020 skal avsluttende eksamen i KJM3110 avholdes muntlig grunnet Koronasituasjon. Detaljerte opplysninger om muntlig eksamen i emnet vil bli publisert p? emnets semesterside over P?ske

Published Mar. 23, 2020 9:59 PM

Hi all, 

I have uploaded the first lecture video from today here on the semester page. You can find it three places: 

*In a separate section I have made called Lecture videos

*In a box/link called Forelesningsvideoer

* In the Schedule/Timeplan where I have placed it on the day it was held

I assume this will continue like this onwards. Feedback welcome. 


Published Mar. 22, 2020 11:28 AM

Hi all, 

The first online zoom lecture is tomorrow Monday 23 March at 10.15. The meeting room is open from 10. You should all have gotten invitations via outlook. If not, use this link:

Meeting ID: 826 927 604

You don't need to accept the meeting (or at least not notify me) - just come on in :-)

We'll do Chapter 12. 

Invitations to Zoom for the Friday teaching will come. 

The lab this Friday will surely not be physical - maybe replaced by lecture + exercise in the normal manner - we'll see.

Hope to see you all soon, happy and healthy.


Published Mar. 16, 2020 9:06 AM

Hi all, 

this week is "midsemester week with no teaching", but what happens onwards? The faculty and department are working on it and general info and guidelines will emerge, surely.

For our course in the meantime: 

Lab: Those who took the lab, finish your reports now and submit them to me and Kaiqi. I intend to update the lab manual based on the experiences in the lab and your reports. Those two who had legal absence will be informed later about what they need do. No worries, we?ll come up with something. The lab on March 27 is cancelled as such, but may be replaced by a home-exercise. The excursions to IFE and SINTEF are still in the plans, but of course in danger.

Exam: The exam is digital, and I am sure it will go as planned or via some other online solution yet to be decided centrally. I intend to make a test set for you in advance.

Teaching: My plan now is to make and upload slides for remaining chapters in the wee...

Published Mar. 5, 2020 12:07 PM

The lab compendium is uploaded here.

We will bring printed copies to the lab, so no need for you to do that. 

Bring coat, goggles, pen, notebook, enthusiasm and patience :-)


Published Mar. 1, 2020 6:25 PM

Hi all, 

This Monday March 2nd we start on Ch. 10 Electrode polarization.

On Friday 6th starts the lab! Mandatory unless you are ill (doctor's attest/legeekl?ring) or have agreed an arangement with me. The lab is Friday March 6th, at 9.15-14.00 and hence replaces the lectures and exercises that day.

The place is ?U14 in the Chemistry building (the big lab).

Be there in time - bring your lab coat and lab glasses.

The other labs and excursions will run as planned also, see updated info for teaching on the semester page.


Published Feb. 16, 2020 12:16 PM

And Chap 7 is on its way.

See you tomorrow Monday :-)


Published Feb. 11, 2020 9:40 PM

See you Monday 17th.


Published Jan. 30, 2020 7:54 PM


This Friday we have lectures (rest of Ch. 3) at 9.15-11.00 and Exercises (Ch. 3 also) 12.15-14.00. Electrochemist Sakis is my substitute. Curie as ususal.

I have uploaded excercise slides here.

Have fun!


Published Jan. 24, 2020 10:27 AM

Dear all, 

the lecture 9-11 was cancelled as you noted. However, I have now made and upladed excercises you can do iwhen you gather at 12.15 in Curie for a self-study session.

I have uploaded here:

- Semester plan with tentative lab and excursion days

- Lecture slides for Ch. 1

- Excercises for Ch. 1. It have done it like this: The excercises are in a lecture-slides file, with each excercise directly following the relevant lecture slide. If this is useful, we may continue like this. I have unfortunately not had the time and chance to insert answers/solutions yet - I am sure you will find them :-)



Published Jan. 23, 2020 9:09 AM

Hi all,

I have had to go to the faculty leaders seminar tomorrow, and my substitute is abroad tomorrow, so the lecture 09.15-11.00 is cancelled.

I am working towards uploading a set of exercises for Ch. 1 and encourage you to plan to meet at 12.15 in Curie to work on these together.

I will upload also the complete set of slides for Ch. 1 and we'll use some of next Monday for them.

I will also soon upload the tentative semester plan of lectures and excercises.



Published Jan. 6, 2020 5:31 PM

Dear all, 

The course KJM3110 Electrochemistry runs first time this semester. 

The start will be delayed one week - starting week 4 - first lecture is Monday January 20, at 10.15-12.00 as announced in Curie (Chemistry building). I look forward to seeing you there!

The curriculum textbook can be found in another link on this page - it is ordered for sale in Akademika.

Truls Norby