Report - deadline November 25th

Hei alle sammen,
Here is some extra information about the report.
All the tips and explanations about the content are discussed in colloquium 3. Long story short: choose a question you want to answer, and do so using the data from the course and a formal, scientific structure. An example of a report from last year is online on Canvas (in the colloquium section). You can write in English or in Norwegian.
The deadline is November 25th. It is mandatory to submit a report and it has to be approved before the final exam. The grading system is pass or fail. If we consider that the report you submit is not good enough, you get the chance to make corrections and submit again - but try to make it right at once!
If you have any question you can write to me.
Good luck!

Publisert 10. nov. 2020 11:48 - Sist endret 10. nov. 2020 11:48