Feltturen 23.10 - smittevern


Safety measures and social distancing will be maintained as much as possible during the field work on Friday.

Students will be divided in groups (preferentially according to pre-existing "cohorts"). The groups will have different tasks to execute during the sampling. There will be antibac and disinfection tools for the sampling equipment. 

These groups will also be used to seat i smaller groups in the bus. In addition, a mask is mandatory inside the bus! The sampling will take place outdoors, so it will not be necessary to wear a mask during the sampling itself. 

Before the field work: 

- take the online security course: HMS0504 - Feltsikkerhet

- Fill up the field card:  https://nettskjema.no/a/130224#/page/1

  • Responsible of the field: Rolf D. Vogt
  • Project name or course number: KJM3070
  • Start/ Starting date of the field work: 23.10.2020
  • Finishing date of the field work: 23.10.2020

- Take your mask!


See you on Friday, 

Camille & Nicolas

Publisert 19. okt. 2020 13:20 - Sist endret 19. okt. 2020 13:21