

Kjemi fagdidaktikk - Kjemi i skolen, 3. utgave, av V. Ringnes og M. Hannisdal, Cappelen Damm Akademisk.


L?replan i kjemi - programfag i utdanningsprogram for studiespesialisering

Laboratorieoppgaver til emnet



The Chocolate Shop and Atomic Orbitals: A New Atomic Model Created by High School Students To Teach Elementary Students. Lucia Liguori, J. Chem. Educ., 2014, 91 (10), pp 1742–1744

Using Digital Badges for Developing High School Chemistry Laboratory Skills. Hennah, N.; Seery, M. K., Journal of Chemical Education 2017, 94 (7), 844-848.

A Simple, Small-Scale Lego Colorimeter with a Light-Emitting Diode(LED) Used as Detector, Asheim, J.,J.Chem.Educ.2014, 91, 1037?1039

In Search of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Science: Developing Ways of Articulating and Documenting Professional Practice, Loughran, J. et al, Journal of research in science teaching vol 41, no. 4, pp. 370 – 391 (2004)


For masterstudenter som f?lger KJM4050, kommer i tillegg to kjemididaktiske artikler som velges i samr?d med oss. 

Publisert 13. jan. 2020 13:36 - Sist endret 13. jan. 2020 13:36