
Publisert 26. mai 2020 10:38


Sensor guide for oral exam in TEK5380, spring 2020

The main objective with the TEK5380 project course is to perform a common student group work in the field on renewable energy, including topics such as energy storage in batteries and hydrogen and/or solutions for zero emission transport.  The TEK5380-projects are to address actual real-world problems/challenges identified by private or public companies.  It is important that the students understand the societal relevance of their project and can present their topic in a larger context.

In the first phase of the project work the students are expected to participate in the establishment and definition of the main objective and scope of work of the project. This means that the students are expected to be critical to the problem/challenge first presented to them. It is also expected that the students can establish a proper system description and are able to describe the main "c...

Publisert 3. apr. 2020 15:09

Det vil gjennomf?res digital, muntlig eksamen i emnet. Eksamen vil bli vurdert til best?tt/ikke best?tt. Eksamen vil fortrinnsvis bli avholdt p? samme dato som opprinnelig planlagt, og gjennomf?rt via Zoom. Dersom dette mot formodning skulle endre seg, vil du f? beskjed om dette i god tid f?r eksamen.


Se MNs sider for mer informasjon:


The exam will be held as a digital, oral exam, and the grade will be pass/fail. The exam is scheduled for the same date as originally planned, and we plan to use Zoom as means of examination. If this should change, you will be notified in good time before the exam.

See MN's web pages for more information: https://...