Marking scheme for the examination can be downloaded from here.
(Exam questions can be found here ).
If you have any comments to the marking scheme, please send it to the course instructor as soon as possible, no later than 14. December).
We plan to release the examination results in the first week of January. (This slight delay is due to the holiday season).
The examination is conducted digitally on the Inspera platform. You can take any printed and/or hand-written material with you to the examination. In addition, the lecture slides will be made available as an appendix to the examination. The slides will be lumped into few PDF files as you find in this file.
Any calculator of approved type is also allowed.
The last lecture of the course would be on 22nd of November. We will discuss the past examination questions and answers then.
You can find a package containing past examination questions and answers here.
Mandatory exercise 3 is available from here. See Canvas for information on submission.
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If you are interested in attending a lecture on "introduction to Pytorch", please indicate your preference in this doodle.
Deadline for response 18. Oct. 2024, Hrs 1200. This will be conducted purely online over Zoom.
Everyone who submitted the assignment should have received the feedback now. Solution can be downloaded from here.
We still evaluate mandatory assignment 1.
The plan is to complete it before the end of the second week of October.
You can access the assignment package from here.
Submission is on Canvas as usual.
There is a Canvas discussion group on this topic as well.
Release of mandatory exercise is slightly delayed. Original plan was to release it week 39, but it is postponed to week 40. Deadline for submission will be extended so that you have enough time to work with it.
You can contact Niklas Erdmann on, especially when mandatory assignment 2 will be released.
Optional assignments related to the topics we have covered so far have been released. These are available through the "Timeplan". Even though these are optional, I recommend you to take a look at them.
We have started evaluating mandatory assignment 1. You will get get feedback starting from the next couple of days. Evaluation is expected to be completed before the end of the second week of October.
Mandatory assignment 2 will be released during the coming weekend.
Lecture tomorrow (20th Sep) has been moved to another meeting room, so there will be no Zoom meeting connected to this lecture.
We hope to offer Zoom alternative starting from the 27th.
Zoom link for lectures from 13. Sep - to 15. Nov will be available from Canvas.
(Status for Zoom meetings is still experimental).
On the 6th September, we will try out a Zoom meeting connected to the lecture. The link and passcode is available from Canvas. Note that this is still experimental, so no guarantees of the quality or free of technical problems.
We try to make Zoom as an alternative to attending the lecture physically. However, attending lectures physically is the best alternative and I encourage everyone to do so as much as possible.
Mandatory exercise has been released. Access the exercise package from "Timeplan" and submit it on Canvas.
There is a discussion group on Canvas for this exercise. Take a look at this or ask your questions there.
Contents of the course is taken from several different sources. Therefore a single textbook cannot cover all topics discussed in the course. But with regard to the topics on basic building blocks of deep learning, I recommend the following book:
Lecture videos are available from Canvas-Panopto Video. Look for the folder named with the relevant topic and date.
Video upload for this week has been delayed due to some technical problems.
Please take a look at the practical info about the course. All course materials will be published in the timeplan.
We will have the first lecture on 23rd Aug 09:15-12:00 at ITS Kjeller. An introduction to the course, including the plan for the semester will be given. Welcome!