We plan for oral exam this year, scheduled for December 8, 9 and 10 at ITS. If you are not available on any of these dates, please let us know by sending a mail to hjmoen@its.uio.no.
Also, if you have a medical condition preventing you from physically attending the oral exam at ITS, please let us know by sending a mail to hjmoen@its.uio.no.
Last date for withdrawing from the exam is two weeks before first exam date.
The student administration will send out a formal list of student’s exam times in due time (but not before the exam withdrawal deadline).
All obligs must be approved in order to take the exam. PhD students also must have their extra curriculum report approved before taking the exam.
Note that there might be a change in exam type if many students register for exam this year. In this case exam will be written and scheduled for December 8 or 9 or 10. A final decision on exam type and date will be taken in mid-October.