Recommended reading for the next two weeks
Some students asked whether I could publish the topics and recommended reading for the upcoming lectures some days in advance. So here are the topics and recommended readings for the next two weeks.
- 22.09: Authenticated encryption (AE). Alas, the chapter on AE in the [BR] book has not been written yet, and the other sources that cover AE are either: a bit too short and using different notation [Rosulek]; a bit too advanced and using different notation [Boneh & Shoup]; not freely available [Katz & Lindell], [Aumasson]. Thus, there are currently no perfect source available for our course.
For now, I recommend to read Chapter 9.1-9.2 (IND-CCA) and Chapter 12 (minus Section 12.3) (AE) in [Rosulek]. Unfortunately, he is using quite a bit different notation from us, so try to focus more on the "bigger picture" and ideas.
I also recommend to read the highly amusing crypto blog by Matthew Green, and in particular this post on AE. - 29.09: Hash functions. Chapter 11 in [PP] and Chapter 6 in [BR].
Published Sep. 20, 2020 11:02 PM
- Last modified Sep. 25, 2020 5:10 PM