Final examination in TEK4050 Stochastic Systems – Spring 2020

Examination procedure

The oral exam will be arranged using the Zoom video conference system. In addition to a few general, introductory questions, the candidate will be examined on two randomly chosen main subjects from the course syllabus. Two and two candidates will be examined on the same subject, with the same main questions from the lecturer. Depending on the answers, follow up questions will be asked, and these may vary slightly between the candidates. There will be no preparation time after the questions have been asked, but the candidate is given the opportunity to resonate, in order to find the correct answer. The examiner (Norwegian: sensor) will keep track of the time. Each candidate will be examined for approximately 25 minutes. The candidate may choose Norwegian or English as examination language.


The candidate’s overview over the subject will be emphasized; what is important and what are less important details. The candidate is not required to remember all formulae and equations, but the most important equations, e.g. the form of a general stochastic system, should be known. The assumptions and requirements behind the central concepts and result will also be given much weight to. Emphasis is put on the candidate’s ability to resonate and show how the theory can be used in a practical application. Detailed facts are of less importance. If desirable, the candidate can make notes and sketches on a piece of paper and show these to the lecturer and examiner via video. Supplementary questions from the lecturer will be considered negative only to a small degree. 


The candidate will be evaluated according to a pass/fail scheme using the general UiO MatNat criteria:


The assignment demonstrates that the candidate has a broad knowledge in the whole curriculum, and good knowledge of the most central areas. The use of terminology is satisfactory and the assignment is clear and precise. The candidate also demonstrates good professional judgment and independence. If the assignment includes laboratory work, field work and similar tasks the candidate must also demonstrate sufficient technical skills to carry out such tasks in an independent and safe manner.The requirement of a broad knowledge of the curriculum means that there should not be large gaps in knowledge within the curriculum. Missing or unsatisfactory responses in certain areas cannot be compensated by very good responses in others. However, areas may be weighed differently according to importance in the curriculum.


The assignment demonstrates that the candidate has insufficient knowledge in key areas of the curriculum, or significant knowledge gaps in the more peripheral areas. The candidate cannot demonstrate sufficient knowledge, methodological skills or competence to apply the achieved learning outcome of the curriculum in an independent manner.


Publisert 3. juni 2020 10:56 - Sist endret 3. juni 2020 10:56