Course information

The course will use the course website to post information and course content. The mandatory assignments will be delivered using Canvas, and there will be a Microsoft Teams chat to discuss the course content.


This semester there will be physical lectures at the department of technology systems at Kjeller. These lectures will be recorded and uploaded to the course website after the lecture. These videos are meant as a supplement, in case you want to look at some parts of the lecture again. Some parts of the lecture will be derivations on the whiteboard. Whats written on the whiteboard will be uploaded as a separate pdf file marked "Lecture notes". In the first lecture we agreed that we will not move the lecture to a different time to get a digital blackboard.

Group sessions

The group sessions are a place you can get help with the weekly exercises, the mandatory assignments or other course topics.

Weekly exercises

Each week I will post some weekly exercises. These are not mandatory, but I recommend doing them to prepare for the exam. Some of them will be exercises from previous exams. For most of the weekly exercises I will post a suggested solution.

Mandatory assignments

There are three mandatory assignments in the course. The first two are individual assignments, and the last is a collaborative project. You will have to submit them using Canvas. The two fist assignments will consist of theoretical exercises, simulation using Simulink and simulations using ROS. For the project I will present a set of possible project assignments and you will form groups of three to four persons. The project can involve simulations or implementing in physical hardware. If you are not able to travel and cooperate with a group I can make an individual project for you.

Course chat

A course chat will be created on Microsoft Teams, were you can discuss the topics of the course and ask questions. Everyone registered for the course will be added to the team. If you are not added by September, please send en e-mail til For information on how to log in on UiO's Microsoft Teams, please have a look at the link below:



Publisert 1. sep. 2021 18:20 - Sist endret 1. sep. 2021 18:28