
Chalmers, Alan F: What is this thing called Science?, 1999. Open University Press. ISBN:?0-335-20109-1. kap. 1-12 (192 s.).

Nedlastbare artikler, fra UBO

Alai, Mario (2004): A.I., scientific discovery and realism, Minds and Machines, 14 (1)FEB 2004: s. 21-42 (22 s.)

Chomsky, N.(1959): Review: Verbal behavior, by B.F. Skinner, Language, vol. 35 (1): s. 26-58 (33 s.)

Paul Feyerabend, How to Defend Society Against Science, , 04.05.05

G?rdenfors, Peter (1990): Induction, conceptual spaces and AI, Philosophy of Science, 57 (1): s. 78-95 (18 s.)

Greenwood, John D.(1999): Understanding the "cognitive revolution" in psychology, Journal of the history of the behavioral sciences, 35 (1): s. 1-22 (22 s.)

King, Ross D. et al, 2004, Functional genomic hypothesis generation and experimentation by a robot scientist, Nature 427: 247-252

Langley, Pat (2000): The computational support of scientific discovery, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53 (3) SEP 2000: s. 393-410 (18 s.)

Marr, David, 1976, Artificial Intelligence - A Personal View, Technical report, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Nersessian, Nancy J., 1998, Kuhn and the cognitive revolution, Configurations 6(1):87-120

O'Donohue W., K.E. Ferguson, A.E. Naugle (2003): The structure of the cognitive revolution: An examination from the philosophy of science, Behavior analyst, 26 (1): s. 85-110 (finnes fra tidsskriftets hjemmeside)

Miller, George A. (2003): The cognitive revolution: a historical perspective, TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences, 7 (3): s. 141-144 (4 s.)

Sampson, Geoffrey, 2000, There is no language instinct,, 04.05.05

Simon, Herbert A. (1998): Dicovering explanations, Mind and Machines, 8 (1) FEB 1998: s. 7-37 (31 s.)

Valdes-Perez, R.E., 1996, Computer Science Research on Scientific Discovery, Knowledge Engineering Review, 11(1):57-66.


Chomsky, N. : Knowledge of language, 1986. New York: Praeger. s. 1-50 (51 s.).

Harnish, Robert M.: Minds, Brains, Computers, 2002. s. 1-54, + bibliografi s. 413-433.

Johannesen, Janne Bondi (2003): Informanter, introspeksjon og korpus, i: Johannesen, Janne Bondi (red.): Informater og datainnsamling i spr?kforskningen - Problemer og utfordringer. Oslo: Unipub. kap. 5, (s. 133-171)

Marr, David: Vision, 1982. s. 19-29 (10 s.).

Introduksjon til LaTeX og BibTeX

Langmyhr, Dag: LaTeX for nybeynnere, 2002. Institutt for informatikk.

Langmyhr, Dag: Lokal guide til BibTeX, 1998. Institutt for informatikk.

Publisert 22. apr. 2008 18:35 - Sist endret 14. aug. 2008 12:54