
Andreas Munk-Madsen: Strategisk Projektledelse, 1996. Marko Forlag, Aalborg.

Alistair Cockburn: Selecting a project's Methodology, 2000. IEEE Software. Fulltekst.

Boehm: A spiral model of software development and enhancement, Fulltekst.

Michael J. Gallivan: Striking a balance between trust and control in a virtual organization: a content analysis of open source software case studies, 2001. Information Systems Journal. Fulltekst.

Foiler fra forelesninger

Jens Kaasb?ll: Transaction Cost Theory, 2005. Fulltekst.

Spiral Model, Fulltekst.

Michlmayr: Project Management, 2005. Fulltekst.

Jens Kaasb?ll: Strategisk prosjektledelse, 2005. Fulltekst.

Prosjktmodell, Fulltekst.

Styring, Fulltekst.

Jens Kaasb?ll: Trust and control in open source projects, Fulltekst.

Publisert 14. juli 2005 15:26 - Sist endret 23. sep. 2005 19:30