Semesterside for INF5450 - H?st 2008

All reports for oblig 1 and 2, which have been e-mailed to me, have been accepted. You may check oblig acceptance here Please let me know if something should be corrected. On the Tuesday Nov 25, I will in addition to summarizing the course and answering questions, also return reports and say a few words about oblig 2.

20. nov. 2008 10:14

There will take place a doctoral defence relevant for this cource on Monday Nov 10, 13:15 (don't be late!) as announced here. This is not a compulsory part of the cource but one of the papers in the thesis is included in the syllabus and covered in the lecture Nov 4.

4. nov. 2008 09:04

As a part of the lecture October 28, I will say a few words about the solution of Oblig 1. I will also return accepted reports to those who are there. October 28 is also the submission deadline for Oblig 2. Jim

27. okt. 2008 16:51