Exam Qualification

As results for exercise (2b) are being posted these days, a few students are just a point or two short of the minimum threshold of 12 points (in sum) that we require to pass each obligatory assignment.  To make it possible to make up for such minor deficits, we offer a ‘debt’ scheme, but everyone who wants to take advantage of that should think hard about it, please.  In a nutshell, we will allow students to ‘borrow’ up to two points from the final assignment (3).  In other words, someone whose sum for (2a) and (2b), and possibly the bonus points for the half-way evaluation, was for example ten points can continue to submit for exercises (3a) and (3b), but they will need a minimum sum of fourteen points for assignment (3) then, to qualify for the exam.  Exercises (3a) and (3b) will not be ‘easier’ or less implementation-heavy than the two parts of assignment (2), however; and we will need to apply the final minimum point threshold rigidly, so everyone who wants to take advantage of our short-term ‘debt’ offer should be prepared to work hard on the remaining exercises and seek to score (nearly) full points on our current exercise (3a).


Publisert 1. nov. 2016 11:12