Beskjeder - Page 2
A record-high 87 percent of active students participated in our on-line mid-term survey, and we are grateful for your feedback. We will disucss the picture that emerges briefly in the lecture today, but will of course continue to be happy to hear from you with specific comments or suggestions for revision.
We have just posted Problem Set (2c), which is an obligatory bonus exercise. The deadline for submission is Tuesday, October 14, i.e. one day before Problem Set (2b); we will briefly review results at the start of our next lecture, on Wednesday, October 14, at 14:15.
Note that this exercise is a little different from the other problem sets: (a) it should not take more than five to ten minutes and does not require preparation; (b) results are submitted anonymously, i.e. one can speak freely; (c) we would like absolutely everyone to submit their answers to this exercise; and (d) completion of this problem set is rewarded with two bonus points.
For us to record bonus points, we ask that you forward the email receipt that you receive after on-line submission of your answers to the inf4820-help mailing address. To preserve anonymity, p...
Over the past several days, we have continuously added some new material to the course pages, including (a) screen casts and corrected slides for the most recent lectures (there was a minor error in the example calculation given for Euclidean distance); (b) reading assignments for the upcoming lectures, i.e. the theoretical background for clustering; (c) a model solution for Exercise (1), linked from the laboratory schedule (and available in our public SVN repository; please run ‘svn update’ regularly).
Starting this week (i.e. Monday, September 8), the laboratory has been moved to a room that actually has computers: Java, on the second floor of Ole Johan Dahls Hus (the Informatics Department). Tomorrow, Jakob will go through our remaining quiz questions from last week and then assist individually towards completion of Exercise (1). Please remember, the submission deadline is on Wednesday (September 10).