Plan for first project exercises 30/1

Plan for first project exercise 30/1


  1. Organize project groups
  2. Register each project group
  3. Get an overview of how many students needs stationary PCs
  4. Yngve will help installing SolidWorks on private laptops
  5. Begin to organize/agree on a group distribution schedule for Fridays 10-12 / 12-14
  6. Make sure that everybody gets started with SolidWorks
  7. Make sure that everybody know what and how to design for project 1a
  8. Make sure that everybody know that the first individual delivery deadline for 1a is 13.2.2015
  9. Make sure that everybody know how to submit STL files for project 1a
  10. Yngve will provide access to the door and give a brief introduction to lab regulations
  11. Dynamixel servos / pneumatic cyliders will be handed out and signed out for by Yngve
Publisert 30. jan. 2015 08:47 - Sist endret 30. jan. 2015 08:50