Plan for first project exercises 30/1
Plan for first project exercise 30/1
- Organize project groups
- Register each project group
- Get an overview of how many students needs stationary PCs
- Yngve will help installing SolidWorks on private laptops
- Begin to organize/agree on a group distribution schedule for Fridays 10-12 / 12-14
- Make sure that everybody gets started with SolidWorks
- Make sure that everybody know what and how to design for project 1a
- Make sure that everybody know that the first individual delivery deadline for 1a is 13.2.2015
- Make sure that everybody know how to submit STL files for project 1a
- Yngve will provide access to the door and give a brief introduction to lab regulations
- Dynamixel servos / pneumatic cyliders will be handed out and signed out for by Yngve
Publisert 30. jan. 2015 08:47
- Sist endret 30. jan. 2015 08:50