
Published Dec. 2, 2010 2:38 PM

Hi everyone! I will extend the deadline for delivering you final reports until Sunday, 5th of December. I hope this will help those of you who wish to wrap up things nicely. Good luck with your reports, Alma

Published Nov. 16, 2010 4:07 PM

Hi! I have made the exam list, and I think that I took care af all the desires that have come in. Please check the exam list and make sure all is well. If it is not, find the group to exchange the exam time with and send me the result, I will adjust the schedule. Best, Alma

Published Nov. 8, 2010 2:05 PM


Please upload your evaluations into your own folders! The interested parties will be able to find them and you can still edit them. Remember, for you, this is also a learning process, and showcase for your mastery of the course material. Best, Alma

Published Nov. 1, 2010 11:31 AM

Hi! Midterm reports are now all on your website. Each group should review 2 other projects. It is easiest to say that each group should review two groups that follow yours on the list of projects at INF4260 site. For example: Music making group should evaluate iPad and the color room, while Savanah should evaluate Music making and iPad. You have until the 9th (next Tuesday) to complete the work. In your evaluations, think of the material in the book and how it relates to projects, gladly give tips for improvement, so that final projects get to be as good as possible. Critique should be only constructive. Good work! Alma

Published Oct. 25, 2010 5:37 PM

Reminder for the first two groups on a project list (music... and Use of iPad...) should prepare short progress report for tomorrow

Published Oct. 25, 2010 12:48 PM

Hi! Katie from Oslo barnemuseum ( is arranging three workshops at Majorstuen school SFO Tuesdays (starting tomorrow) from 2:30-4. If your group is interested in trying ideas with kids from SFO (6-9 years of age), please let Katie know.

Published Oct. 12, 2010 5:50 PM

Hi! If some of the multitouch groups would like to use help from Intermedia next week, I really would appreciate if you would take contact quickly. Also, I got mini mac and the system should be working way better, exept for the sound.

You may share something that inspires you, discuss, inform, solicit input etc on FB. Search INF4260 Alma

Published Oct. 12, 2010 1:03 AM

Hi! I have posted in the detailed teaching plan what you need to deliver for your midterm. Alma

Published Oct. 5, 2010 6:36 PM

Your wonder document comments are in your folders now.

Published Oct. 5, 2010 5:36 PM

Hi all! Exam is scheduled for 9th and 10th of December. If you have any special preference (for example, due to other exams), let me know as soon as possible. Thanks, Alma

Published Sep. 22, 2010 5:31 PM

Hi! There has been change in group meeting room locations. Monday group has been moved to Foredragssalen at the 1. floor (turn right from the entrance) and Friday group is moved to the room 508, which has better facilities than the previous one. Best, Alma

Published Sep. 15, 2010 5:47 PM

Hi! The presentation of ideas for multitouch, by Magnus, is here. All that are interested in checking the multitouch out may join the party in my office at noon on Friday, 17th of September. Alma

Published Sep. 6, 2010 6:51 PM

If there is a group wishing to work on the library project, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Ipads are to be given to the geo course next Monday and we should be there. So please send an email to me. Thanks, Alma

Published Aug. 30, 2010 4:25 PM

Welcome to a new semester!