Ahoy, this is a message …

Ahoy, this is a message about the submission of the wonder document.

Each student group will get access to a web area on Vortex. This area can be used for exchange of documents, project plans and so forth like the wonder document, mid-term report and the final report.

In order to get access, please send an e-mail from each project group to both: almira@ifi.uio.no and jo.herstad@ifi.uio.no with one user name (an uio user name from one of the group members) and the title of the project - inspiration for group names can be found here.

Mini user guide

Log in by using “administer this document” at the bottom of the web page. Use your uio user name and password. Documentation and help on vortex is found in a link on the top of the page.

In order to give the rest of the group write access One person in each group owns the area – and this person can give the others access. Under “permissions”, choose “edit”. Add the user names for the rest of the participants in your project.

Good luck

Publisert 11. sep. 2008 16:30 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 16:02