
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
31.08.2005Asbj?rn Berge? ? Classification I? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)?

07.09.2005Asbj?rn Berge? ? Classification II? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Hierachical clustering demo

Clustering k-means demo

EM demo?

14.09.2005Lars Aurdal? ? Segmentation I? Thresholding

Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab thresholding script

Image of Mona Lisa

Image of large disk

Image of small disk

Letter from Sir Fcancis Drake

This weeks exercise

This weeks exercise solution


21.09.2005Lars Aurdal? ? Segmentation II? Region based methods

Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab region growing script

Matlab region growing function

Image of apples

Image of Marilyn Monroe

Matlab region splitting function

Matlab support function 1

Matlab support function 2

This weeks exercise?

28.09.2005Lars Aurdal? ? Edge detection and segmentation? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab edge detection script

Image of Cuba

Matlab function for Hough transform

Matlab function for drawing lines

Image of corridor

Image of coins

This weeks exercise

This weeks exercise solution

Solution suport function 1

Solution suport function 2

Solution suport function 3?

05.10.2005Asbj?rn Berge? ? Describing "shape" (feature extraction)? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Matlab m-file for the last slide

Fourier descriptors and other demos

This weeks exercise


12.10.2005Asbj?rn Berge, Lars Aurdal? ? Introduction to the obligatory exercise? Presentation of obligatory exercise (PDF, 1pp)

Presentation of obligatory exercise (PDF, 6pp)

Data for the obligatory exercise (Will be handed out on CD)?

26.10.2005Lars Aurdal? ? Morphology? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Set of exercises for mathematical morphology

This weeks exercise solution?

02.11.2005Asbj?rn Berge? ? Texture? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Good tutorial on GLCM

Texture exercise??

09.11.2005Asbj?rn Berge? ? Dimensionality reduction? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)

Feature selection exercise?

16.11.2005Lars Aurdal? ? Adaptive Contours? Lecture notes (PDF, 1pp)

Lecture notes (PDF, 6pp)?

23.11.2005Asbj?rn Berge, Lars Aurdal? ? Repetition, Q&A? ?
Publisert 2. aug. 2005 15:42 - Sist endret 7. feb. 2020 16:02