
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
24.08.2004Asbj?rn Berge? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Digitized images and their properties? Lecture Handouts

Recommended reading: Chapter 1 and 2 in Sonka?

31.08.2004Lars Aurdal? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Data structures for image analysis? Lecture Handouts?
07.09.2004Lars Aurdal? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Image preprocessing? Lecture Handouts?
14.09.2004Lars Aurdal ? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Segmentation (thresholding)? Lecture Handouts

Matlab script for thresholding

Image of Mona Lisa

Image of large disk

Image of small disk

Letter from Sir Francis Drake

Article by Trier?

21.09.2004Lars Aurdal ? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Segmentation (edge-based)? Lecture Handouts

Lecture handouts for printing

Matlab script for edge segmentation

Image of Cuba

Matlab function for Hough transform

Matlab function for drawing lines

Image of corridor

Image of coins?

28.09.2004Lars Aurdal ? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Mathematical morphology? Lecture Handouts

Lecture handouts for printing

Set of exercises for mathematical morphology?

05.10.2004Lars Aurdal? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Active contours? Lecture Handouts

Lecture handouts for printing?

12.10.2004? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Oblig introduction (WP 1)? ?
19.10.2004Asbj?rn Berge? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Shape description? Lecture Handouts

Fourier descriptors and other demos?

26.10.2004Asbj?rn Berge? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Introduction to classification? Recommended reading: Sonka 7.1-7.2.4

Lecture Handouts?

02.11.2004Asbj?rn Berge? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Classifier evaluation and Non-parametric methods? Relevant chapter in Sonka is 7.3

Lecture Handouts

Lecture Handouts (one slide per page)?

09.11.2004Asbj?rn Berge? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Exploring data: Unsupervised classification and feature selection? Lecture handouts (one slide per page)

(Use print -multi 2 for rescaling)

EM demo

Hierachical clustering demo

Clustering k-means demo


16.11.2004Asbj?rn Berge? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Texture? Lecture handouts (one slide per page)

Sonka Chapter 14: 14.0 - 14.1.7 (pp 646-660)

GLCM tutorial on the web??

23.11.2004? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Oblig work (WP 2) ? ?
30.11.2004? Store Aud, Informatikkbygget ? Course summary? ?
Publisert 9. aug. 2004 14:39 - Sist endret 15. nov. 2004 13:09