Semesterside for INF-MAT5360 - H?st 2012

EXAM: Good luck! Prepare on the syllabus (see link), and use "What's important/exam prep." (see link). Note: network flows is not in the syllabus, although some of it should be known from the previous course INF-MAT3370 (Carlo gave some lectures on this). Here are the exam times:

The exam will be Dec. 3; it will be an oral exam in room Delta (d) 2164 Ole-Johan Dahls hus. See link "What's important/exam preparation!" Good luck! Time schedule: 08.30-09.10: Arne Skj?rholt; 09.10-09.50: Frederica Gugole; 09.50-10.30: Lorenzo Ferrone; 10.30-11.10: Marie Lilleborge; 11.10-11.50: Marius Sandvik; (pause); 12.30-13.10: Nina Hulleberg; 13.10-13.50: Thien Thanh Lam; 13.50-14.30: Torgeir B?rresen; 14.30-15.10: ?yvind Lund Bj?rnsen

26. nov. 2012 10:33

I will not be able to lecture on Monday 19. Next lesson (Nov 26) will be the last. Send me an e-mail with the topics you would like me to discuss. I can also try to get a classroom for Saturday 1st, if you are interested (send mail).

16. nov. 2012 10:56

I have the final schedule for the next seminars: 1 - Friday,Nov 2 14:15 17:00 GA06 2458 Seminarrom Postscript 2 - Monday,Nov 12 14:15 17:00 GA06 2453 Seminarrom Perl 3 - Monday,Nov 26 14:15 17:00 GA06 2453 Seminarrom Perl

1. nov. 2012 12:09