IMPORTANT NOTICE: This course will …

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This course will (during fall 2012) be a reading course; this is due to budget cuts at IFI.

This means: there will be no lectures, so you will have to study the course material on your own, preferably in discussion groups with other students.

However, some teaching will be given: 4 or 5 times (each two hours) Carlo Mannino [] will be joining the class, answering questions and giving solutions to exercises. The preliminary schedule for these classes is: Sept 17, Oct 3, Oct 24 and Nov 26 (any changes will be announced). Moreover, on Sept. 10 Geir Dahl will present some convexity/answer questions etc.

Moreover, you may see Geir Dahl [B1029,] for questions in the course. The plan is to have one compulsory project. There will be an oral or written exam, this will be decided later. Monday August 27, 14.15 at B1029 (Geir's office): short orientation on the course/questions.

Publisert 14. aug. 2012 16:41 - Sist endret 16. apr. 2013 13:19