In the lecture of today …
In the lecture of today the first part of chapter 6 has been covered (sections 6.1 and 6.2): the maximum principles for the two-point boundary value problem and the linear heat equation, for both the continuos and discretized case.
Next lecture on Friday there will be no exercise lecture. Instead we will have a theory lecture at 2 pm, continuing with the maximum pronciples for the non linear heat equation and the harmonic functions. It is possible that the lecture will last until 5pm, depending on the needs of the program to be covered. I will announce as soon as possible the room of the lecture.
On Friday the assignement for the second part of the program will be given.
Ecxercises for the lecture of today: 6.1, 6.2, 6.5, 6.6, 6.8. The next exercise lecture to replace the one missed this week will be announced as soon as possible.