Thanks to all of you who presented yesterdy or at least sent your presentations. I have now uploaded all presentations that I received. You find them in the folder undervisningsmateriale/presentations.
Hi, for your presentations next week (06 Oct), please have a look at the slides of Lecture 05 in folder undervisningsmateriale/lecture-notes. There you will find your name and the hour in which you should give your presentation. Please provide information about the following:
- Context of your improvement project
- Issues the trigger your improvement project
- Goals you want to achieve with your improvement project
Hi, now we have 28 students who registered for the project. I will upload information regarding the order of student presentations to be given on 6 Oct 2011. Please recall that next week (22 Sep 2011) there won't be a lecture. The lecture on 29 Sep 2011 will be given by Dag Sj?berg on the topic "Flow-based Agile Development (KANBAN)".
Hi, now 23 students registered for the project. The list in undervisningsmateriale/project-report has been updated.
Hi, I have uploaded the list of names of those of you who registered for the project in folder undervisningsmateriale/project-report. 19 student registered. Please check whether your name is on the list and let me know in case it is missing. Thus, the project will be done individually.
Dear Students, those who would like to do the course project and haven't yet sent me an email, please do so until Monday, 12 Sep. Please send an email to with subject line "INF5181 Project". In the body of the email put your name and say that you would like to do the project. Those of you who already sent me the email can ignore this announcement. I will post the list of participants on Wednesday, 14 Sep.
Dear Students,
please note that the first lecture takes place on 1 September 2011 (not on 25 August).
Attending the first lecture is mandatory.