Syllabus (p.t. tentative)

The papers are listed in the sequence they will be discussed.

If you are a registered student you can access most of them here


Weill, P. & Ross, J.W. IT governance: How top performers manage IT decision rights for superior results. Harvard Business Press; (2004).


Articles and book chapters

Fitzgerald et al (2013). Embracing Digital Technology. A New Strategic Imperative. Sloan Management Review.

IEEE (2011). Guide— Adoption of the Project Management Institute (PMI?) Standard. Kapittel 1-3

Humble, Jez and Molesky, Joanne (2011). "Why Enterprises Must Adopt Devops to Enable Continuous Delivery". Cutter IT Journal 24(8).

Spundak, M. (2014) Mixed agile/traditional project management methodology – reality or illusion? Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 939 – 948

Little, T. (2005). Context-adaptive agility: managing complexity and uncertainty. Software, IEEE, 22(3), 28-35.

Turner, J. R., & Müller, R. (2003). On the nature of the project as a temporary organization. International Journal of Project Management, 21(1), 1-8.

Ross, Weill, Robertson (2006) "Enterprise Architecture as Strategy". Creating a foundation for business execution. Harvard Business Press; (2006) Chapter 2 and 3

Bharadwaj et al. (2013): Digital Business Strategy: Toward a Next Generation of Insights. MISQ, 37(2), 471-482.

Bygstad, B. Generative mechanisms for innovation in information infrastructures. Information and Organization (2010) p. 156-168.

Zhang et al (2014) Secure Service-Oriented Architecture for Mobile Transactions. IEEE

Horlach, B., Drews, P., Schirmer, I. (2016): Bimodal IT: Business-IT Alignment in the Age of Digital Transformation. Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) (2016)

Bygstad and Iden (2016) A governance Framework for Lightweight IT.

Ciborra, C. U. A Critical Review of the Literature on the Management of Corporate Information Infrastructure. Chapter 2 in "From Control to Drift", Oxford Univ. Press. 2000.

Ciborra, C.U Encountering information systems as a phenomenon. Chapter 1 in "The Social Study of Information and Communication Technology". Oxford Univ. Press 2004.



Aaltonen and Lanzara  (2015). Building Governance Capability in Online Social Production: Insights from Wikipedia

Hippel, Eric von, and Georg von Krogh. "Open source software and the “private-collective” innovation model: Issues for organization science."Organization science 14.2 (2003): 209-223.

O’Mahony, Siobhán. "The governance of open source initiatives: what does it mean to be community managed?." Journal of Management & Governance11.2 (2007): 139-150.Chapter 2 and 3 in: Ross, J.W., Weill, P., & Robertson, D. Enterprise architecture as strategy: Creating a foundation for business execution. Harvard Business Press; (2006).

Bygstad, B. & Nielsen, P.A. Understanding and managing process interaction in IS development projects. SCIS, Springer Verlag (2012) p. 25-43.

Hanseth, O. Bygstad, B. & Johannesen, L. K. Towards a Theory of Generative Architectures. Manuscript


Other relevant literature


Lerner, Josh, and Jean Triole. The simple economics of open source. No. w7600. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2000.

Groth, L. Approaches to Organisational Theory. Manuscript

Brooks, F. P. (1975): The mythical man-month. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

Ghazawneh and Henfridsson (2013): Balancing platform control and external contribution in third-party development: the boundary resources model. Information Systems Journal, vol 23(2), pp. 173–192

Rolland and Aanestad (2014) “Growing platform-based enterprise systems through ‘modular’ and ‘architectural’ acts of customizing: a case study”.

Venters, W. & Whitley, E.A. A critical review of cloud computing: researching desires and realities. Journal of Information Technology (2012) p. 179-197.

Willcocks, Venters & Whitley (2012) - Cloud and the Future of Business: From Costs to Innovation.  Part One: Promise. Part Two: Challenges. Part Three: Impact. Part Four: Innovation. Part Five: Management

Leister & Christophersen, “Open Source, Open Collaboration and Innovation” - first 4 chapters (2012)

Cohn, M. L., Sim, S. E., & Lee, C. P. (2009). What counts as software process? Negotiating the boundary of software work through artifacts and conversation. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 18(5-6), 401-443.

Pich, M. T., Loch, C. H., & Meyer, A. D. (2002). On uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity in project management. Management science, 48(8), 1008-1023.

R?nkk?, K., Dittrich, Y., & Randall, D. (2005). When plans do not work out: How plans are used in software development projects. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 14(5), 433-468.

Kappelman, L., McLean, E., Luftman, J., & Johnson, V. (2013). Key Issues of IT Organizations and Their Leadership: The 2013 SIM IT Trends Study. MIS Quarterly Executive, 12(4), 227-240.
Published Jan. 15, 2017 10:56 AM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2017 11:20 AM