INF5850 – IKT for utvikling: Lager vi en bedre verden?

Timeplan, pensum og eksamensdato

Kort om emnet

ICT for Development is an emergent and important discipline within Information Systems, and supporting career paths in ICT companies working in development, development agencies, and government and non-government organizations engaged in introducing ICT projects. The landscape is comprised of state of the art technologies involving mobile, social media, cloud hosting, and various others. This provides an exciting arena for IT graduate students to engage with cutting edge technologies and also participate in broader social development processes.

Hva l?rer du?


Key learning outcomes of the course:

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    to conceptualize ICT for development, with emphasis on the relationship between technology and development in particular socio-political situated contexts

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    to analyze different perspectives on development and the manner in which we can understand ICTs from these perspectives

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    to analyze the nature of ICT applications in different development domains such as health, education, water and sanitation, and migration

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    to analyze various approaches to evaluate the outcome of ICT for Development projects

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    to analyze what are emerging ICT applications, and also emerging new development challenges in contemporary society

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    to be able to critically analyze if ICTs are helping to create a better world in a development context


Overlappende emner


9 hours of lectures per week.

The first lecture is compulsory.


Home exam at the end of the semester.

Mandatory assignments must be approved in order to take the exam.


Eksamensoppgaven blir gitt p? engelsk, og du skal besvare eksamenen p? engelsk.


Emnet bruker?karakterskala fra A til F, der A er beste karakter og F er stryk. Les mer om karakterskalaen

Adgang til ny eller utsatt eksamen

Studenter som dokumenterer gyldig frav?r fra ordin?r eksamen, kan ta utsatt eksamen i starten av neste semester.

Det tilbys ikke ny eksamen til studenter som har trukket seg under ordin?r eksamen, eller som ikke har best?tt.

Mer om eksamen ved UiO

Andre veiledninger og ressurser finner du p? fellessiden om eksamen ved UiO.

Sist hentet fra Felles Studentsystem (FS) 6. okt. 2024 04:13:49

Fakta om emnet


Undervisning tilbys siste gang h?st 2019


Eksamen tilbys siste gang h?st 2021
