The final exam
It turns out that 14 candidates are enrolled for the final exam. I strongly suspect that maximum five candidates intend to show up: Those five who have attended the last few lectures (Lonneke S., Mikael R., Martin M. J., Ingerid D., and the student that discussed the S-m-n Theorem with me after the last lecture).
These five candidates will be examined between 12:00 and 17:00 Tuesday the 5th. The exact schedule will be published at this website June 1 (after our final meeting). I assume that all five of you will show up at the final meeting (those of you who will not, should send me an e-mail).
If anyone else of the 14 enrolled students intend to meet for the final exam, they should meet outside room Postscript 12:00 June 5 (and get the exact time for their examination).