A Cleaning and Deduplication of Events
The DHIS2 Tracker module allows people to collect individual level data. These come in two forms:
1) “Singelton” cases that are recorded only once without registration or follow-up (e.g. Outpatient data). DHIS2 calls this a single event.
2) Events linked to a person (the DHIS2 term is a Tracked Entity Instance - TEI) where you first look up a person (or register a new) who is enrolled in a health program and then follow the patient over a period, with each visit to the doctor recorded as an event, linked to the program (e.g. a TB patient).
However, patients often go to different clinics for the same thing, and a lot of data is collected offline, without the possibility to check if the patient is already in the system. Therefore, there is a need to A) identify duplicate people and B) reconcile the data belonging to the same person.
The task is to make a webapp which helps administrators to easily identify clear and potential duplicates (e.g. slight misspellings) and mark them for reconciliation (which the app could also assist in). A combination of automated and manual filtering/navigation. You can initially assume the number of persons and events is small enough to be handled in the client. For more advanced functionality, it is also interesting to link to server side procedures.
B Data Store manager app
Browse and update the values in the DHIS2 Data Store. User friendly presentation and navigation, possibly a way to keep an audit trail of changes and display/visualize statistics regarding the data, e.g. broken down by DHIS2 webapp.
C Messaging and integration with Facebook/Twitter
Sharing favorites on Facebook / Twitter, and using fb / twitter api to post DHIS 2 Charts. Add support for sharing favorites of pivot tables, charts and maps to Facebook.
Also Support for 1) adding attachments and 2) embedding images in DHIS2 messages and . Useful for example to attach screenshots when supporting users. This should use the new Web API for file uploads and storage.
D Import, matching, visualizing
Two options
Import data (and metadata) from the Demographic and Health Survey external API or from the World Bank API: Mock-up
Import events or health facilities with coordinates linked to hierarchy using geography http://turfjs.org/
E Health Facility Registry
App providing an interface to the health facilities in a country (e.g. the Sierra Leone or Trainingland demo databases). The add should make it possible to search and list organisation units and see these in a map, along with relevant details regarding each facility such as type, the district it belongs to etc.
Some inspiration can be found in the Kenya Master Health Facility List
Place names with coordinates for the whole world can be found using MapZen
F Refactor/Expand Comparative/Trend Analysis App with charts and maps
The purpose of the Comparative/Trend app is to enable visual comparisons of charts and maps by placing them side-by-side or in a grid. For maps, the purpose is to show the same basic map for different time periods, so that changes over time become visible. An example could be a map showing measles incidence by district, week by week. For charts, the purpose is to show the same chart from multiple organisation units. An example could be a line chart showing the trend in a disease over time, district by district. The maps and charts could either be based on either existing chart or map favourites, or made ad-hoc based on selecting an indicator. However, the purpose is not to re-create the full Data Visualizer or GIS module of DHIS. An app was developed some years ago, available here.
G New app for standard aggregate data entry
The DHIS2 module for entering aggregate (not individual) data is old and not using the new Web API.
We need a new version which is also clever, so that when there is only 1 option, it is automatically selected, it displays option sets and preferably even allows for tabular data entry (with orgunits or data elements).