How to fail INF5750

We're now in the group project phase of INF5750. Every year some people try to not do their part in the group project. I get personally very upset when this happens, and I will do what I can to find and fail those who do not participate.

The INF5750 essay is mandatory and should be submitted by the 14th December. The description of the contents of this essay can be found here.

The essay contains a section on what your contribution to the group project was. We will use these essays as well as information about who committed code to evaluate whether you contributed sufficiently to the group project. We will fail people who did not participate properly even if they have successfully submitted all their other assignments. If you are taking too many courses, then it's better to tell us now that you want out, and do the course again next year, than to fail the course.

Each group project should use either the DHIS2-Academy Launchpad project or a github repository to submit their project code. As you understand from the above, it is important that everyone participates in the development and source submission, because an important part of this course is to learn to collaborate on code by using revision control systems such as Launchpad or Github. So if you have a single commit from one person, that's not a good thing!

The DHIS2-Academy launchpad project can be found here: Groups may also use a Github repository if they prefer that, but must then submit the repository to us and also list it on their Wiki.
Published Oct. 31, 2013 9:52 AM