
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
21.08.2012 Guri Verne and Christina M?rtberg? Postscript? Introduction, Wallet exercise? Preface and Chapter 1, 2 in Simonsen & Robertson (2012)?
22.08.2012 Guri Verne and Christina M?rtberg? Ada/Sonen? The design process, Into groups? L?wgren & Stolterman (2005), Bratteteig (2004), Bratteteig & Stolterman (1997), Suchman (2002), Sefyrin & M?rtberg (2010) ?
28.08.2012 Tone Bratteteig? Postscript? About project work ? Students interview each others?
29.08.2012 Guri Verne? Ada/Sonen ? About the student project? B?dker (2009), students present each others?
04.09.2012 Sisse Finken? Postscript? Project topic Smarthouse? Aldrich (2003), Finken & M?rtberg (2011), Film (Norwegian): "Tekniske funksjoner i omsorgsboliger og sykehjem" (vises med tillatelse fra produsent Norsk Teknologi, Nelfo, Integra.)?
05.09.2012 Guri Verne? Ada/Sonen? Project topic tax? Bratteteig & Verne (2012), Verne (2011)?
11.09.2012 Guri Verne and Christina M?rtberg? Postscript? Tools and techniques? Chapter 6, 7 in Simonsen & Robertson (2012), Gaver (1999), Sanders & Stappers (2008), Light & Akama (2012), Reyes & Finken (2012), Houde and Hill (1997)?
12.09.2012 Guri Verne and Christina M?rtberg? Ada? Tools and techniques? Chapter 6, 7 in Simonsen & Robertson (2012) ?
18.09.2012 Dagny Stuedahl, Intermedia? Postscript? Digital Engagement? ?
19.09.2012 Guri Verne? Ada? Project work? ?
25.09.2012 Ina Wagner? Postscript? Ethics ? Chapter 4 in Simonsen & Robertson (2012)?
26.09.2012 Guri Verne? Ada? Project work? Guri Verne will be available.

NB: Deadline for submitting the project plan.?

02.10.2012 Guri Verne? Postscript? Students present papers? Group 2: Bratteteig&Wagner (2010)

Group 1: Brandt (2005)?

03.10.2012 Guri Verne? Ada? Feedback to the project plan? ?
09.10.2012 Guri Verne? Postscript? Students present papers? Group 4: Winschiers-Theophilus et al (2010)

Group 3: Halloran et al (2009)?

10.10.2012 Guri Verne? Ada? Students present papers? Group 5: Hagen & Robertson (2010)

Bj?rgvinsson et al (2010)?

16.10.2012 Birgitta Cappelen? Postscript? Fields for co-creation? ?
17.10.2012 -? -? Project work? Guri Verne will be available.?
23.10.2012 -? Postscript? Project work? Guri Verne will be available.?
24.10.2012 -? -? Project work? Guri Verne will be available.?
30.10.2012 Christina M?rtberg and Guri Verne? Postscript? Midterm presentation of project work? The project groups represent their work so far. See information and plan under "Undervisningsmateriale".?
31.10.2012 Christina M?rtberg and Guri Verne? Ada? Midterm presentation continued? The project groups represent their work so far. See information and plan under "Undervisningsmateriale". ?
06.11.2012 Guri Verne? -? Feedback sessions / project work? Feedback from the midterm presentations?
07.11.2012 -? -? Project work? ?
13.11.2012 Christina M?rtberg and Guri Verne ? Postscript? Analytical perspectives on design? Wagner et al, ch 3 ?
14.11.2012 Christina M?rtberg and Guri Verne? Ada/Sonen? The red thread? ?
20.11.2012 -? -? Project work? Guri Verne will be available. ?
21.11.2012 -? - ? Project work? Guri Verne will be available. ?
27.11.2012 Guri Verne and Christina M?rtberg ? Postscript? Summing up? ?
28.11.2012 -? - ? Project work? Guri Verne will be available.?
04.12.2012 -? -? Project work? Deadline for the submission of the student report?
11.12.2012 Guri Verne and Christina M?rtberg, Censor? Postscript? Exam? Project presentations and oral exams

NB: The date is tentative and might be changed?

Published June 25, 2012 1:35 PM - Last modified Oct. 23, 2012 5:21 PM