Presentations and Oral Examination December …

Presentations and Oral Examination December 13 2010, INF5722

Time: Presentations 9.00- 10.55

Oral examination 11.00 – 15.45

Room: InterMedia visningsrom (same place as always)


9.00 – 9.20 Group 3: Erlend, Guri, Kjell and Tina

9.20 – 9.40 Group 2: Anders, Geir, Siri and ?shild

9.40 – 10.00 Group 5: Bente, Joakim, Lill and Maciej


10.15 – 10.35 Group 4: Gunn Kristin, Jan Ole, Kim ?ge and Tommy

10.35 – 10.55 Group 1: Alexandru, Frode, Nora and Terese

Oral Examination:

11.00 – 11.45 Group 3: Erlend, Guri, Kjell and Tina


12.20 – 13.05 Group 2: Anders, Geir, Siri and ?shild

13.10 – 13.55 Group 5: Bente, Joakim, Lill and Maciej


14.10 – 14.55 Group 4: Gunn Kristin, Jan Ole, Kim ?ge and Tommy

15.00 – 15.45 Group 1: Alexandru, Frode, Nora and Terese

Presentations 12-15 minutes, 5 minutes questions

NB! Send the presentations in advance to be store on a computer by Elise and Christina

Publisert 18. nov. 2010 15:32 - Sist endret 23. nov. 2010 18:25