
Publisert 4. des. 2008 16:50

Schedule of final Presentation and Examination:

TIME: Monday 8. December, 9.15 - 14.45

PLACE: InterMedia visningsrom (same place as always)


  • 9.15 - 10.15 [Kent William, presentation + exam]

  • 10.15 - 10.45 [Station News: Ivar, Hege, Stig]

  • 10.45 - 11.15 [Pathfinders: Ole Kristian, Ingunn, J?rgen, Jo]

  • 11.15 - 11.45 [Usuario: Karsten, Trond, Ingrid Elise, Edvard]



  • 12.30 [Station News: Ivar, Hege, Stig]

  • 13.15 [Pathfinders: Ole Kristian, Ingunn, J?rgen, Jo]

  • 14.00 [Usuario: Karsten, Trond, Ingrid Elise, Edvard]

Publisert 24. nov. 2008 14:31

28.11: Informasjon om eksamen:

Deadline prosjektrapporter ?r kl 12.00 den 4 december. S?nd dem till

Omfattning p? rapport ?r minimum 10 sidor text med enkelt radavst?nd och 12 p.

Spr?k: Norska eller engelska.

NB! Ut?ver detta antal sidor (minimum 10) tillkommer bilder, figurer och tabeller.

Examen ?r den 8 december. Presentationer f?re lunch och examen efter lunch.

Detaljerad information ang?ende examen kommer att s?ndas ut senare.


Publisert 3. nov. 2008 11:39

SCHEDULE Midterm presentations:

GROUP 1: "Station News" 11:00-11:15 (presentation) 11:15-11:45 (opponents and teachers' Q&A and feedback)

LUNCH 11:45-12:15

GROUP 2: "Stifinnerne" 12:15-12:30 (presentation) 12:30-13:00 (opponents and teachers' Q&A and feedback)

BREAK 13:00-13:15

GROUP 3: "IETEK" 13:15-13:30 (presentation) 13:30-14:00 (opponents and teachers' Q&A and feedback)

Publisert 23. okt. 2008 15:23

Please check your emails and reply back to me by Sunday Oct 26th with your preference over:

  • Option A: no class on Monday Oct 27, lecture on "presentations" on
Wednesday Oct 29

  • Option B: lecture on "presentations" on Monday Oct 27, no class on
Wednesday Oct 29


Publisert 12. okt. 2008 18:40

REMEMBER: lecture by Joan Greenbaum on Thursday Oct 16, from 12.15-14.00 in InterMedia's Infra lab (3rd floor). She will be talking about her book, "Design at work" (edited together with Morten Kyng) from 1991.

Publisert 6. okt. 2008 14:57

For the upcoming article seminar on Monday 13. October we will have an informal discussion on the subjects of 'Participatory Design' and 'User-centered Design'. Please read the following three readings:

  • Designing exploratory design games: a framework for participation in Participatory Design?, By Eva Brandt

  • Making Change. Dealing with relations between design and use, by Tone Bratteteig

  • Whose Participation? Whose Knowledge? - Exploring PD in Tanzania-Zanzibar and Sweden, by Elovaara et al

Please refer to the pensum for details on and links to these readings.


Publisert 30. sep. 2008 10:55

Undervisningsplanen ?r uppdaterad - g?stf?rel?sning 17 november


Publisert 24. sep. 2008 17:07


en masteroppgave som kan vara av intresse f?r er:

Gartmann, Gjermund IKT p? stasjonen: En studie av hvordan informasjonskanaler brukes ved trafikk‐knutepunkter se DUO:



Publisert 22. sep. 2008 15:45

For the article seminar on Monday 29. Sept, you should pick and present one of the following articles in groups of 2, and inform me of your decision by Wednesday 24. Sept. Your presentation should not exceed 10 minutes. Some themes to think about when preparing your presentation are: What are the main points of the article? Is there anything you disagree with? Does it raise any questions for you? Do you find it relevant to your project, and in which way?

NOTE: Everyone should read all the articles!

  • What do Prototypes Prototype?, By Houde, S. & Hill, C. NOTE: Ingunn & Jo will present this article

  • Cultural Probes, By Gaver et al NOTE: Eduard & Trond will present this article

  • How tangible mock-ups support design collaboration, By Eva Brandt

  • Experience Prototyping, By Buchenau, M. & Fulton Suri, J. NOTE: Ingrid-Elise & Kars...
Publisert 22. sep. 2008 13:56

Undervisningsplan och pensumliste ?r uppdaterade. OH f?r f?rel?sning 22 september finns tillg?ngliga p? hemsidan.


Publisert 15. sep. 2008 20:57


jag har lagt in Eva Brandts f?rel?sning och ocks? OH fr?n dagens f?rel?sning om metoder/tekniker.

Ska be Tone l?gga in f?rel?sning hon.

Anders M?rch onsdagens g?stf?rel?sare 9-11.

