Compulsory exercises and projects
- Smaller exercises. Announced on the overview of lectures page and under messages on the main page. Note: Students must meet in the announced lecture, groups of four students are automatically formed, each student discusses and provides feedback on three exercises from three other students.
- Mandatory assignment No.4 is Exercise 8 of the module of stationary variational forms. Deadline and assessment: Monday Nov 9. (You need to write a simple report in LaTeX, no programming needed.)
- Mandatory assignment No. 5 is Problem 6 of the module of sovling nonlinear ODE and PDE problems. Deadline and assessment; Monday Nov 16.
- First compulsory project: A 2D wave equation solver with finite differences, programmed from scratch. Deadline and assessment in groups on Oct 12.
- Second compulsory project: A nonlinear finite element application, programmed in the FEniCS system. Deadline and assessment in groups on Monday Nov 30.
These exercises and projects are delivered in a repo and assessed in groups of four in the lectures (under guidance). Each student must perform the two projects in item 2 and 3, and participate in 3 (out of 5-6) assessment events with smaller exercises (item 1).