Compulsory exercises and projects

Compulsory exercises and projects

  1. Smaller exercises. Announced on the overview of lectures page and under messages on the main page. Note: Students must meet in the announced lecture, groups of four students are automatically formed, each student discusses and provides feedback on three exercises from three other students.
  2. Mandatory assignment No.4 is Exercise 8 of the module of stationary variational forms. Deadline and assessment: Monday Nov 9. (You need to write a simple report in LaTeX, no programming needed.)
  3. Mandatory assignment No. 5 is Problem 6 of the module of sovling nonlinear ODE and PDE problems. Deadline and assessment; Monday Nov 16.
  4. First compulsory project: A 2D wave equation solver with finite differences, programmed from scratch. Deadline and assessment in groups on Oct 12.
  5. Second compulsory project: A nonlinear finite element application, programmed in the FEniCS system. Deadline and assessment in groups on Monday Nov 30.

These exercises and projects are delivered in a repo and assessed in groups of four in the lectures (under guidance). Each student must perform the two projects in item 2 and 3, and participate in 3 (out of 5-6) assessment events with smaller exercises (item 1).

By Hans Petter Langtangen
Published Oct. 30, 2015 4:18 PM