Oral Exam Questions

The questions for the oral exam are now on the web.

I had some problems as the PDF was somehow corrupted when uploading from my Windows 7 based PC. I have now used another machine and the PDF looks to be OK now - if not, send me mail ASAP!

At the exam:

If you are confident then just do your presentation and I will ask questions later.

If you are less confident, either because you did not have enough time to study the question that you drew, or if you are nervous: you are welcome to aks me to ask you questions: I will then find out what you actually know - regardless of how nervous you are - neither insecurity, lack of self confidence, nor nervousness are in themselves reasons to fail! Nor are they part of pensum.



Publisert 2. juni 2015 16:42 - Sist endret 2. juni 2015 16:46