
Pensum for f?rste halvdel av kurset

Don H. Johnson & Dan E. Dudgeon: Array Signal Processing: Consepts and techniques, 1993. Prentice Hall. ISBN:?0-13-048513-6. Kapittel 1 - 4.1 (med unntak av 2.4.2 og 3.2.3). . Errata for boka.

J. Nelson Wright: Image Formation in Diagnostic Ultrasound, sidene 8 - 22.

A. Currie: Synthetic aperture radar, August 1991. Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal. Pkt 1: Kursorisk, Pkt. 2, "Rationale behind SAR imaging": Pensum.

Kursorisk pensum

S. Holm, A. Austeng, K. Iranpour, J.-F. Hopperstad: Sparse Sampling in Array Processing, Kleuwer Academic / Plenum Publishers. In "Nonuniform Sampling: Theory and Practice", ed. Marvasti.

Publisert 25. okt. 2004 22:46 - Sist endret 4. feb. 2005 10:00