Summary by Patrick The goal of this paper is to identify people with influence on the social network Twitter. A Twitter user with influence is defined as a user who posts a URL which diffuse through the follower graph. The study is limited to those users who "seed" content, which mean they post a URL that they have not seen through the follower graph. To calculate the influence of a URL the authors tracked the diffusion of the post from its seed node throughout the follower graph until either the cascade terminated, or the diffusion. Then in order to evaluate the URL and to identify the content, they first remove those posts they knew to be spam or in a foreign language and grouped the remaining URLs in a logarithmic bin and select randomly from this. The randomly selected URLs were analysed by human subjects who classified the URLs. Since this paper was written twitter has added a retweet feature which allows you to retweet at the push of a button. This should allow a new study of this topic to be done with additonal data. Being able to track retweets from a single seed would add additional data. Summary by Zahid Everyone¡¯s an Influencer: Quantifying Influence on Twitter Eytan Bakshy, Jake M. Hofman, Winter A. Mason, and Duncan J. Watts Summary In this paper authors try to investigate the attributes and relative influence of 1.6M Twitter users by tracking 74 million diffusion events. During the study it found that the largest cascades tend to be generated by those users who have been already influence in the past, those users have a large number of followers so this is the main reason of influence. But it also find that those predictions related to URL or some particular users generate large cascades are not valid or unreliable. Twitter ecosystem is very good system because it is well suited to studying the role of influencers. The ordinary individuals play a vital role to influence on others, like experts, journalists, semi-public figures, actors, role models, highly visible public figures and government officials. These individuals have capability to influence the number of people through different channels like celebrity endorsing a product on television or in a magazine advertisement. So these individuals exerts more influence on people than a trusted friend endorsing the same product in person. Authors also noted that Twitter is very special case because in a large cascades the observations are rare likely to apply in other context as well. There is one more term called ¡°word-of-mouth¡± is spread via many small cascades, like marketers, planners, and celebrity. So they get the better data about potential influencers over extended intervals of time. ----- BEGIN SUMMARY ------ Measurement and analysis of online social networks summary by guangyu han ------------------------------ The paper uses a crawler to crawl through online social networks such as Youtube, Orkut, Flickr and LifeJournal. The author collect a data set by crawling cover the following number of users: 1.8 million out of 6.8 million (26.9%) for Flickr, 5.2 million of 5.5 million (95.4%) for LiveJournal, and 3.0 million out of 27 million (11.3%) for Orkut. it gives us a tangible view of properties in large social networks Many of the properties in the paper were already proposed before Adamic et Al [3] found small-world behaivor, and local clustering. Kumar et Al. [26] found a large strongly connected component. All networks follow a power-law is propotional to K^(-i). Small-world property. Very short path length Scale-free means nodes with high degrees are connected to other nodes with high degrees questions what is the influence of fake users when performing the analysis? and How to avoid these influence . ------END SUMMARY-----------