
Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
15.01.2014 Anne Solberg   Introduction and a taste of the course Lecture foils
22.01.2014 Anne Solberg   Introduction to regularization Lecture foils (updated)
29.01.2014 Anne Solberg   Snakes - active contour models Lecture foils
05.02.2014 Anne Solberg   Markov random fields and contextual models Lecture foils
12.02.2014 Anne Solberg Modula 2443 Lab on active contours/Markov models

Matlab exercises on segmentation
You will need the following files.

Other supplementary files are found in the folder "undervisningsmateriale"

19.02.2014 Anne Solberg   No lecture  
26.02.2014 Anne Solberg Perl Extracting good features for matching/tracking Lecture foils
5.3.2014 Anne Solberg Modula Lab

Lab on feature extraction and SIFT

How to compute the gradient tensor in matlab

12.3.2014 Are Jensen Perl Feature Selection

Lecture foils / 6pp

Reading material:

Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.5 (5.5.1 and 5.5.2 not too detailed), 5.6 in ”Pattern Recognition” by S. Theodoridis and K. Koutroumbas

Scanned pdf file: http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5300/v14/undervisningsmateriale/theodoridis1999_2nded_chap5_featsel.pdf

We will start the lecture by having a quick reminder session on basic classification principles.

19.3.2014 Are Jensen Perl Linear feature transforms

Lecture foils / 4pp

Reading material:

The chapter on PCA in C.R. Shalizi's "Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View". (Until the example in 17.2.)

The section on LDA and Fisher's reduced rank LDA, 4.3, in The Elements of Statistical Learning, Hastie et al.

The following very elementary introduction to PCA might be useful for some: http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5300/v14/undervisningsmateriale/shlens2009_pcatutorialversion301.pdf

26.3.2014 Are Jensen Modula Lab

Lab exercise

Script on "curse of dimensionality"

Code related to the PCA part

02.04.2014 Anne Solberg   Image alignment and RANSAC Lecture foils
09.04.2014 Anne Solberg   Motion estimation

Lecture foils

Lab exercise on motion estimation is here


16.04.2014     No lecture - Easter  
23.04.2014     No lecture due to travel Have you done the lab on motion estimation? See above for lab text.
30.04.2014     No lecture due to travel  


07.05.2014     Support vector machine classification

Lecture foils

Based on the sections from Pattern Recognition by Teodoridis/Koutroumbas found at /ifi/asgard/k00/inf5300/pensum-artikler:




14.05.2014     Lab

Lab using SVM-classifiers


28.05.2014     Repetition? Annes lecture foils


Publisert 10. jan. 2014 14:50 - Sist endret 28. mai 2014 15:45