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Mid-term report - brief repetition.
For you mid-term report, you would outline the status-quo of your group-work so far, including the following suggestions:
- An account of your project topic, some introduction and background information covering a description of the technology to be adopted in developing your prototype.
- Your motive(s) for "exactly this study".
- Your problem statement(s) and more specifically your research question(s).
- An outline of related literature reviewed so far, (minimum 5 references, including 3 syllabus articles).
- Description of different methods used/ to be used when prototyping and data-collection, including merits of using such methods in the context of your project study.
- If you have already started some data-collection, a display of such data and how are you going to analyze that (qualitatively/ quantitatively/ both).
- You would also outline the way ahead for completing your project.
Good luck,
Jo, Hani