European Computer Supported Cooperative Work Conference at IFI_ Volunteers

Hi all,
Our exciting European CSCW conference is approaching fast, where main activities are scheduled between Saturday 19. September and Wednesday 23.September.
I am sure that many of you are eager to take part in some of the conference activities, attend lectures, master seminars and doctoral colloquium. To do that, we require you to volunteer as "support personnel" for some of the ongoing activities including reception desk, carrying and moving things ( food, drinks, ....), technical support during the lectures/ seminars/ workshops and other services, etc.
We also need some help with packing the " welcome packages/ bags" on Friday the 18. September from about lunch time.
Would you therefor, send me an e-mail with the times of your availability ASAP, by next Monday the 7th, so that we get a better overview and plan of volunteers' work and schedule.
Looking forward to your active participation
Jo  & Hani
Tlf: Hani Murad
tlf 90150029
Published Sep. 7, 2015 11:49 AM