Into the wild - the forest calling

Thursday 14 November, the INF5261 session will be in the forest; a cabin in Lillomarka.   This is for the ones who want to "practice" being mobile together - in an outdoor setting/context/situation.

Getting there:

The nearest train station is called Snippen.  Departure from Oslo S at 0942 (then, T?yen, Grefsen, Nydalen, Kjels?s) and Snippen 19 minutes later at 10:01.  Usually, the train (L3 towards Jaren) leaves from track number 16 at Oslo S.   From the train station at Snippen, there is a 40 minutes walk in the forest to the cabin.  Place map.  Return trip in the afternoon; see timetable at ruter or NSB.  Snippen is within Oslo, so 1 zone pricing for the ticket.  It is also possible to get there by bicycle, footwear or automobile.

Being there:

Coffe, tea and water from the well is there, and some chocolate.

Discussion:  a)  Either bring and use your mobile telephone for planning, validating/buying ticket, navigating and wayfinding, communication and social media, capture pictures/video/audio  OR bring no mobile telephone (digital/mobile fasting).  Then, we can discuss and reflect on using mobile technologies in the forest and journey contexts.  After the trip, we can write 1/2 page observations and reflections on what we learned and add to the project folder. b) Make some reflections about your project, and different use contexts, specifically the "forest context".

What to bring:

There is some chance that there will be a bit of champagne rain, so please wear/bring appropriate clothes.

Any questions or comments:

I will bring my mobile telephone, 91560563, so if any question please send an SMS or establish an audio connection if any question.  And, it is possible to post something here:


PS:  this session, like all, is based on voluntary participation;) DS

Published Nov. 13, 2013 11:43 AM - Last modified Nov. 13, 2013 11:52 AM