
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
26.08.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Introduction to the course and qualitative research? Mandatory: Chap. 1 in Crang and Cook

Additional: Latour (1999)?

02.09.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Overview of the field + intro to categories like positivist, interpretive, critical research? Mandatory: Myers (living version): Qualitative Research in Information Systems + Silverman (1998)

Additional: Myers & Avison (2002)?

09.09.2009Sisse Finken.? 3A, IFI? Conducting fieldwork. Generating material part 1. Observation, interview, fieldnotes, documents ? Mandatory: Chap. 4 + 5 in Crang and Cook.

Additionals: Chap 6 in Crang and Cook; Graver, Dunne & Pacenti (1999)

Submit exercise 1 to Elise, e-mail: eliseh@ifi.uio.no?

16.09.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Conducting fieldwork. Generating material, part 2. Photographs, audio, video.? Mandatory: Chap. 7 in Crang and Cook + Monahan (2008)

Additional: Blauhut & Buur (2009); Harper (2005); Suchmann and Trigg (1991)

Presentation of Monahan by group 1 - question for discussion provided by group 7

Movie: 'In the Web & on the Ground' by Katie Vann - visual renderings from a field study.

Submit exercise 2 to Elise, e-mail: eliseh@ifi.uio.no

Feed-back on exercise 1

  • If you’re interested in photography, you might like to visit ‘Historisk museum’ in Oslo, which exhibits photos from field studies conducted by Master students at UiO (Social Anthropology). The exhibition runs from Sept. 12th at 13:00 – more info here
23.09.2009Sisse Finken.? 3A, IFI? Ethnography + positioning the researcher? Mandatory: Chap. 2 in Crang and Cook + Blomberg et al. (1991)

Additionals: Crabtree et al. (2009); Forsythe (1999); Hughes, King, Rodden & Andersen (1994); Bardram & Bossen (2005); Harper (2000); Schultze (2000)

Movie: Kitchen Stories by Bent Hamer

Submit exercise 3 to Elise, e-mail: eliseh@ifi.uio.no

Feed-back on exercise 2?

30.09.2009Sisse Finken.? 3A, IFI? Action Research? Mandatory: Avison, Lau, Myers & Nielsen (1999) + Baskervill & Wood-Harper (2002) + Checkland & Holwell (1998).

Additional: Kalleberg (1992)

Presentaion of Baskervill & Wood-Harper by group 5 - question for discussion provided by group 3. Presentation of Checkland & Howell by group 2 - question for discussion provided by group 6.

Presentation of Blomberg by group 4 - question for discussion provided by group 8

Submit exercise 4 to Elise, e-mail: eliseh@ifi.uio.no

Feed-back on exercise 3?

07.10.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? No lecture? Work on your research proposals?
14.10.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Case Studies? Mandatory: Stake (2005) + Walsham & Sahay (1999)

Additionals: Flybjerg (2006); Walsham (2006); Walsham (2002); Geertz (1972)

Presentation of Stake by group 3 - question for discussion provided by group 1. Presentation of Walsham & Sahay by group 6 - question for discussion provided by group 4.

Submit 1st version of your RP to Elise, e-mail: eliseh@ifi.uio.no

Feed-back on exercise 4

Midterm evaluation of the course?

21.10.2009Sisse Finken. Guest lecture by Gisle Hannemyr? 208, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken ll, House 4. Entrance at InterMedia, go one floor down to Visningsrummet, follow the signs made for the occasion, through the glass door, down the hallway? Internet research + legal aspects of field research? Mandatory: Chap. 3 in Crang and Cook + Leander & Mckim (2003)

Additional: Guimar?es Jr (2005); Markham (2005); Brown & Bell (2004)

Guest Lecture by Gisle Hannemyr on legal aspects of field work and internet research.

Feed-back on RP1?

28.10.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Grounded Theory. Analyzing data + quality in qualitative research? Mandatory: Chap. 8 in Crang and Cook + Thoresen (1999)

Additionals: Charmaz (2005); Klein & Myers (1999); Strauss, Fagerhaugh, Suczek & Wiener (1985); Emerson, Fretz & Shaw (1995); Lee & Baskerville (2003)

Presentation of Thoresen by group 7 - question for discussion provided by group 2?

04.11.2009Sisse Finken.? 3A, IFI? Writing it up, part 1. Representation + how to structure written work? Mandatory: Chap. 9 (p. 150-177) + S?rensen (revised version of 2002)

Presentation of S?rensen by group 8 - question for discussion provided by group 5

Movie: Representation and the Media featuring Stuart Hall

Submit 2nd version of your RP to Elise, e-mail: eliseh@ifi.uio.no?

11.11.2009Cancelled. Sisse Finken. Guest lecture by Knut Hegna? 3A, IFI? Writing it up, part 2.? Mandatory: Chap. 9 (p. 177-206) in Crang and Cook

Guest lecture by Knut Hegna, Senior academic librarian, "How does an article take form and how do I avoid plagiarism?"

Feed-back on RP2?

17.11.2008Sisse Finken? ? No lecture? Work on your project proposals?
20.11.2009Sisse finken? ? ? Turn in your final RP at 2PM. The submitted RPs are not to exceed 10 pages (+/- 1) including table of content and biography (excl. appendix) + they should be set in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing. Mail your RP to
  • Elise: eliseh@ifi.uio.no
  • Sisse: finken@ifi.uio.no
25.11.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Presentations of projects?
  • 14:15-14:30 Group 1
  • 14:30-14:45 Group 2
  • 14:45-15:00 Group 3
  • 15:00-15:15 Group 4
  • 15:15-15:20 BREAK
  • 15:20-15:35 Group 5
  • 15:35-15:50 Group 6
  • 15:50-16:05 Group 7
  • 15:05-16:20 Group 8
02.12.2009Sisse Finken? 3A, IFI? Sum up on course, preparing for the exam? ?
09.12.2009? ? Exam at 14:30 (written, letter-grade system A-F). 3 hours? ?
Published June 22, 2009 3:32 PM - Last modified Nov. 23, 2009 12:55 PM