Lecture Notes

LECTURE 1 (August 30th): Practicalities of the course. What is qualitative research? What types of qualitative research will this course cover??Lecture1.html

LECTURE 2 (September 6th): The relation between ontology, epistemology and methodology. Markus paper. Handout on Research Proposal (link:?ResearchProposal.mht ). Introduction to ethnography. Lecture2.html

LECTURE 3 (September 13th):
Gisle Hannemyr: "Internet Research". (slides will be linked)
(Slides from last year: http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5220/h05/undervisningsmateriale/Slides/inf5220.ppt)

LECTURE 4 (20th September) (With Tina Blegind Jensen) Interviews (your assignment 2, interviews in general (notes: Lecture4.html), the laddering technique (slides:?The laddering technique_Tina.ppt? and in PDF:?The laddering technique_Tina.pdf ).

LECTURE 5 (27th September)
Continued discussion of ethnography (the papers from last week + three weeks back), discuss limitations and pitfalls of ethnography (Forsythe and Zuiderent). Practical tips on how to do fieldwork drawing on ethnogoraphic techniques (the suggestions from Harper + Beyer&Holzblatt will be presented). Plenary discussion of the groups’ draft proposals. Lecture5.html

SIXTH LECTURE ( 4th of October)
Grounded Theory (Thoresen, Strauss et al.). Brief overview over some of the other types of qualitative studies (Ethnomethodology, discourse/conversation analysis). Introduction to Action Research.? Discuss third and fourth assignment. Lecture6.html

SEVENTH LECTURE (11th of October)

Action Research, in general and in IS research, common criticisms etc. Second hour: Evaluation (of the course) and discussions. Third hour: Master project description and discussions (Miriam). Notes from AR lecture: Lecture7.html

EIGHT LECTURE (18th of October)

How do we establish knowledge claims within the interpretive paradigm? Processes of analysis and interpretation. We will look back on papers we discussed earlier (Markus, Bardram&Bossen) and Sahay&Walsham.Generalizations from interpretative case studies. Reflexivity in analysis (Schultze): Theory-driven versus empirically grounded analysis. Third hour: Master project description and discussions (Shazia)(Presentation:Lecture8.pdf )

NINTH LECTURE (25th of October)

Quality in qualitative research (Klein and Myers' criteria). We will discuss again the three papers that you've read in a "detailed way" (Markus, Bardram and Bossen, Sahay and Walsham). Notes: Lecture9.html? Guest lecture by H?kon Ursin Steen: Presentation of Yin's classic book on case studies

NO LECTURE? on 1. November

TENTH LECTURE (8. November)

How to write up research (group report, Master/PhD thesis). What is the content and structure, what goes into the different chapters etc. + referencing. (Presentation: WritingLecture.pdf).

Vi diskuterte ogs? noen norske begreper? p? temaene i kurset.(Mange ord er ganske like):


Submission of final group reports.? Presentations of group work from gorups 1 - 6 (15 minutes + discussion)

TWELFTH LECTURE (22 november)

Presentations of group work (groups 7 - 10).? Summing up the course, preparing for the exam (see some information here: http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/ifi/INF5220/h06/AboutExam.html).