


C. Ciborra, K. Braa, A. Cordella, B. Dahlbom, A. Failla, O. Hanseth, V. Heps?, J. Ljungberg, E. Monteiro & K.A. Simon (2000): From Control to Drift: the Dynamics of Corporate Information Infrastructures. Oxford University Press.

Ole Hanseth and Claudio Ciborra (2007): Risk, Complexity and ICT, Edward Elgar publishing.


Ole Hanseth og Kalle Lyyttinen (2010) “Theorizing about the design of Information Infrastructures: design kernel theories and principles”, Journal of Information Technology, vol. 25, nr. 1, s. 1-19

Stefan Henningson and Ole Hanseth: the European eCustoms project(work in progress, manuscript will be provided)

Ole Hanseth, Bendik Bygstad and Liv Karen Johannesen: ICT Standardization Strategies and Service Innovation in Health Care

Ole Hanseth, Bendik Bygstad, Liv Karen Johannesen, Eli Larsen and Gunnar Ellingsen: Towards a Theory of Generative Architectures

Margunn Aanestad and Tina B. Jensen (2011): ”Building nation-wide information infrastructures in healthcare through modular implementation strategies”. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, vol 20, nr. 2, pp. 161-176.

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Ole Hanseth: Gateways - just as important as standards. How the Internet won the “religious war” about standards in Scandinavia., Fall 2001. Knowledge, Technology and Policy. Vol. 14 No. 3; 71-89. Special Issue on IT Compatibility.

Janet Abbate: The Internet Challenge: Conflict and Compromise in Computer Networking, 1994. In Summerton, J (ed), Changing Large Technical Systems, pp 193 - 210.

Bendik Bygstad and Ole Hanseth (2010): “IT Governance through Regulatory Modalities. Health Care Information Infrastructure and the “Blue Fox” Project”. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 2010, Volume 60, pp. 50-64.

Hanseth, O. and Monteiro, E.: Inscribing behavior in information infrastructure standards, 1997. Accounting, Management & Information Technology. . Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 183-211.

Ole Hanseth og Margunn Aanestad : “Design as Bootstrapping. On the evolution of ICT networks in health care”. , 2003. Methods of Information in Medicine, vol. 42, no. 4, s. 385-391

Hanseth,O., Jacucci, E., Grisot, M., Aanestad, M.: Reflexive Standardization: Side-Effects and Complexity in Standard Making, 2006. MIS Quarterly, Special Issue on Standard Making.

Eric Monteiro, Neil Pollock, Ole Hanseth & Robin Williams. From Artefacts to Infrastructures. Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 2012.

Joan Rodon and Ole Hanseth. The Evolution of the Catalan ePrescription Information Infrastructure: Architecture, Process Strategy and Governance Regime. Working Paper.

Miria Grison, Ole Hanseth and Anne Asmyr Thorseng. Under the radar: a strategy for information infrastructure innovation.  Working paper.

Ola Henfridsson and Bendik Bygstad. The Generative Mechanisms of Digital Infrastructure Evolution. MIS Quarterly, September, 2013.


Susan Leigh Star and Karen Ruhleder (1996): “Steps Toward an Ecology of Infrastructure: Design and Access for Large Information Spaces”. Information Systems Research, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 111-134.

Hanseth, O., Monteiro, E. and Hatling, M.: Developing information infrastructure: The tension between standardization and flexibility., 1996. Science, Technology and Human Values. Vol. 21 No. 4, pp. 407-426..

Yoo, Y, Lyytinen, K, Yang, H.: The role of standards in innovation and diffusion of broadband mobile services: The case of South Korea, 2005. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol 14, Issue 3.

Monteiro, E.: Scaling information infrastructure: the case of the next generation IP in Internet., 1998. The Information Society .. 14(3):pp 229 - 245.

Paul N. Edwards et al.: Report of a Workshop on “History & Theory of Infrastructure", 2007.

Sundeep Sahay, Eric Monteiro and Margunn Aanestad: Configurable Politics and Asymmetric Integration: Health eInfrastructures in India, 2009. Journal of the AIS, JAIS, vol. 10, no. 5, 2009, pp. 399-414.

"Ultra-Large-Scale Systems: The Software Challenge of the Future", Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Ultra-Large-Scale Systems Study Report (2006).

Hughes, T.P. “The evolution of large technical systems,” in The social construction of technological systems, W.E. Bijker, T. P. Hughes, and T. Pinch (eds.), MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1987.

Knut Rolland og Eric Monteiro: Balancing the Local and the Global in Infrastructural Information Systems, 2002. The Information Society, vol. 18, nr. 2, s. 87 – 100. Ole Hanseth og Nina Lundberg : Designing Work Oriented Infrastructures, 2001. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), vol. 10, nr. 3-4, s. 347-372.

Vidar Heps?, Eric Monteiro, Knut Rolland: Ecologies of e-Infrastructures, 2008. Journal of the JAIS, . vol 10, no 5, pp. 430-446.

Tilson, Lyytinen, S?rensen (2010): Digital Infrastructures: The Missing IS Research Agenda, Information Systems Research, vol. 21, no. 4, December 2010, pp. 748–759

Yoo, Henfridsson, Lyytinen (2010): The New Organizing Logic of Digital Innovation: An Agenda for Information Systems Research, Information Systems Research, Vol. 21, No. 4, December 2010, pp. 724–735

Skorve, Aanestad (2010): Bootstrapping Revisited: Opening the Black Box of Organizational Implementation, in K. Kautz and P.A. Nielsen (Eds.): SCIS 2010, LNBIP 60, pp. 111–126


Published Aug. 28, 2013 6:53 PM