
Published Dec. 12, 2012 11:51 AM

Dear Students, there has been a last-minute room change for the Oral Exam. It will be in room OJD 1251 (Scheme) instead of room OJD 2164 (Delta). The administration informed me that they sent emails to everybody to inform about this matter. Note that the schedule for the oral exams on Dec 13 and Dec 14 has not changed. You find the schedule on the course web in directory undervisningsmateriale/oral-exam. Please make sure to be at the examination place (OJD 1251 - Room 'Scheme') at least 5 min before your exam starts.

Published Nov. 19, 2012 7:06 PM

Dear Students, the schedule for the oral exams on Dec 13 and Dec 14 has now been uploaded to the course web. You find it in directory undervisningsmateriale/oral-exam. Please make sure to be at the examination place (OJD 2164 - Room 'Delta') at least 5 min before your exam starts.

Published Nov. 14, 2012 11:59 AM

Dear Students, please remember that your project report is due on Thursday, November 15th at 19:59 (i.e., before 20:00). Submission of the report is mandatory and delay will NOT be accepted. Please submit electronically to Only PDF format will be accepted!

Published Nov. 2, 2012 11:27 AM

Dear Students, the slides of yesterday's lecture (Bente Anda on Cost Estimation) are now available on the course web.

You find solutions sketches for homeworks 1 and 2 in the 'undervisningsmateriale/homework-assignments' folder on the course web.

Published Oct. 15, 2012 11:42 AM

Dear Students, for those of you who haven't yet submitted their homework 2 solutions: please recall that submission deadline for homework 2 is today at 15.30 (sharp!). Late submission will not be accepted. I will only accept pdf files submitted via email to me (see details on the homework 1 assignment sheet)

Published Oct. 11, 2012 2:37 PM

Dear Students, due to an unforeseen time conflict on my side, the Industry Lecture by Bente Anda, scheduled for next week, has been moved to Nov 1.

I will instead teach next week on the topic 'Process Assessment & Process Improvement Frameworks'.

The last lecture on Nov 8 will be about 'SPI & Empirical Research Methods / Learning from Experience' and will in addition have a 'Course review' to prepare for the oral exams on Dec 13/14.

Published Oct. 7, 2012 10:24 PM

Dear Students, please note that the next lecture (Lecture 08 on 11-Oct) will not be in the normal lecture room but in room OJD 3438 (Seminarrom Caml). This is a one-time exception. The following lectures will be again in our regular lecture room.

Published Sep. 28, 2012 11:21 PM

Dear Students, the slides for lectures 6 (KANBAN) and lecture 7 (Measurement) have been uploaded to the course web in directory undervisningsmateriale in the lecture-notes folder.

In addition, the assignment sheet of homework 2 (measurement) is available in directory homework-assignments. Please have a look at the assignment sheet. There will be a question/answer session about the homework in lecture 7 next week.

There will also be an opportunity to ask questions about the project report during lecture 7.

Published Sep. 19, 2012 5:18 PM

Dear Students, your presentation slides (in PDF) have now been uploaded to the course web in directory undervisningsmateriale/project-presentations .

Published Sep. 17, 2012 1:26 PM

Dear Students, please recall that tomorrow (Tuesday) at 15.30 is the deadline for submitting your presentation slides (max. 3 slides + cover / only PowerPoint and PDF will be accepted).

Published Sep. 13, 2012 12:56 PM

Dear Students, today's lecture on 'Lean Principles and Processes' will be given by Bente Anda. Her lecture slides are available in directory undervisningsmateriale in the lecture-notes folder.

Published Sep. 13, 2012 12:39 PM
Published Sep. 10, 2012 1:56 PM

Dear Students, for those of you who haven't yet submitted their homework 1 solutions: please recall that submission deadline for homework 1 is today at 15.30 (sharp!). Late submission will not be accepted. I will only accept pdf files submitted via email to me (see details on the homework 1 assignment sheet).

Published Sep. 7, 2012 3:23 PM

Dear Students, during yesterday's lecture (i.e., lecture 3 on agile processes) we had a question/answer session about homework 1. During this session I gave a hint about my own solution of Task 2. It is as follows: I have a total of 4 top-level activities and 3 top-level artifacts (products) which are arranged as follows:

act1 -> prod1 <-> act2 -> prod2 -> act3 -> prod3 -> act 4

Note that some activities and some products have sub-activities and sub-products in my solution. Also, I have roles attached to all activities and to some activities I have attached methods/techniques/tools.

For those students who attended yesterday's lecture: Apologies if I confused you because I got confused about my own notation when I drew the figure on the white board. What I meant to draw is exactly what I have written above! Thus, forget whatever you have copied from the white board yesterday.

To avoid that I get confused when reading your solutions...

Published Sep. 5, 2012 11:45 AM

Dear Students, you will find examples of good project reports from last year's course under deirectory undervisningsmateriale/project-report. Please keep in mind, however, that even these reports, while being good examples, were not perfect.

Please also remember that during the 2nd hour of tomorrow's lecture there will be an opportunity to ask questions about homework assignment 1 and the project as a whole. In addition, I will give information about the short presentation each student has to give during lecture 5 (Sep 20).

Note that lecture 4 on 'Lean processes' will be run by Bente Anda. I won't be present during that lecture. Thus, you should take the opportunity given tomorrow during lecture 3 to ask questions about the presentations that you have to give in lecture 5.

Published Aug. 31, 2012 12:11 PM

Dear Students, the installation file for the demo version of the process modeling tool Spearmint (developed at TU Kaiserslautern / Fraunhofer IESE, Germany) can be downloaded from the directory undervisningsmateriale/tools. --Dietmar

Published Aug. 27, 2012 5:13 PM

Dear Students, please note that the Detailed Teaching Plan (undervisningsplan) has been updated. It now shows the submission dates of the two homework assignments. Please note that there was a small mistake on one of the slides of lecture 1: The correct submission date for homework 1 is Monday, September 10 at 15:30. --Dietmar

Published July 11, 2012 12:38 PM

Dear Students, please note that the first lecture on Thursday, August 23, is mandatory. I look forward to meeting you. --Dietmar