Frequently Asked Questions - INF5150 Autumn 2006
This is the document where we show hints and answers to questions that have arisen during the course. The FAQ is especially helpful for problems that come up during the project work, e.g. with the tools.
New version of SeDi
Version 1.0.5 is now (061106) in the update site. The major improvement is on the renaming of lifeline names.Initial pseudostate
When you try and compile the INF2120 solutions you will get fatal compiler errors saying that there is no initial state in the activity diagrams. This is a correct error message and you must insert an initial state connected to the (only) activity in every activity diagram. The compiler has been improved since last semester which in this case means that it makes better code for the activities. Last semester the control flow was not significant. With the last version of the compiler, it is significant. Thus this is an example of an improved version of a tool that introduces problems on legacy models. The fix is tedious, but simple. Just insert the initial pseudostates.Sequence Diagrams from INF2120-G12
It has been pointed out that the solution from INF2120-G12 did not have any sequence diagrams. This is correct, as what was made available was only their last and final drop. In order to provide their sequence diagrams we have made an extract of their deliverable from their second drop and you may find that here.Problems with Collaboration
The new SeDi plugin has some problems if you try and make a sequence diagram within a collaboration. This should not be much of a showstopper since you should keep to classes as the home for the sequence diagrams.
The CORAS Tool
Frequently asked questions regarding the CORAS Tool is available here.