Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
19.01.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Modelbased System development? Slides Lecture 1?
26.01.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? BMM and BPMN? Slides Lecture 2?
02.02.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? UML2 and SysML, Objecteering SOA and Scope, – Collaboration /Component models? Slides Lecture 3


09.02.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? SoaML I (PIM) and Requirements modeling , CIM->PIM? Slides Lecture 4


OMG SoaML (PowerPoint)?

16.02.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Metamodeling , DSL and UML profiles, MDA technologies (XMI, Eclipse, EMF/GMF) ? Slides Lecture 5?
23.02.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? SOA and Service Design - GRASP Patterns, Design Patterns, SOA Patterns and Refactoring? Slides Lecture 6?
02.03.2009BRE? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Method Engineering and SPEM / EPF? Slides Lecture 7?
09.03.2009GO? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Model transformations with ATL, MOFScript and other technologies? Slides Lecture 8?
16.03.2009GO? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Code generation with MOFScript and other technologies? Slides Lecture 9?
23.03.2009BRE? 3B Informatikkbygningen? SOA, Web services architecture, XSD, WSDL, BPEL? Slides Lecture 10?
30.03.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? SoaML and Model Driven Interoperability? Slides Lecture 11

Obligatory exercise 2?

06.04.2009-? -? -? Easter?
13.04.2009-? -? -? Easter?
20.04.2009Neil Loughran, Ismar Slomic, Weiqing Zhang? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Guest lectures? 14:15 - Neil Loughran, SINTEF: Model driven development with Open ArchitectureWare. Slides, example project

15:15 - Ismar Slomic, Accenture: Practical experiences with Business modeling and SOA - using BPMN and BPEL with IBM Web Sphere for process automation in the Norwegian retirement system at NAV. (Slides will be available later)

16:15 - Weiqing Zhang: Mappings from SoaML to Web services with ModelPro and MagicDraw (Cameo SOA+). Slides and tutorial (ZIP)?

27.04.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Model Driven Interoperability - II - Ontologies, Semantic web and Semantic Modeling? Slides Lecture 13??
04.05.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Course summary? ?
25.05.2009AJB? 3B Informatikkbygningen? Question/Answer session – Exam 2008 example (1600-1700)? ?

Exam: May 29th, 2009 (Friday)

AJB – Arne J. Berre

BRE – Brian Elves?ter

GO – G?ran Olsen

ARS – Arnor Solberg

Published Jan. 22, 2009 4:47 PM - Last modified May 25, 2009 12:35 PM