Mellor, Stephen J: MDA distilled MDA distilled : principles of model-driven architecture, 2004. Addison-Wesley.
Tony Clark, Andy Evans, Paul Sammut, James Williams: Applied Metamodeling, Blir tilgjengelig p? akademika. Pdf-versjon.
IBM: Patterns: Model-Driven Development Using IBM Rational Software Architect, Blir tilgjengelig p? Akademika. Pdf-versjon.
Berre / Elves?ter: COMET - MDD for Interoperable Systems -Toolset, Kompendium.. Comet Toolset.
Berre / Elves?ter: COMET - MDD for Interoperable Systems - Method, Kompendium. Ny versjon med oppdatering mht. UML 2.0 vil komme i Februar/Mars. Comet Method.
Atlas Transformation Language
Utvidelser av COMET for UML2.
The UML reference Manual, 2004. Addison Wesley. ISBN:?0-321-24562-8. second edition.
J. Greenfield et al (Microsoft): Software Factories - Assembling applications with patterns, models, frameworks and tools, J. Wiley. ISBN:?0-471-20284-3.
Atkinson and Kühe: Model-Driven development: A Metamodeling Foundation, 2003. IEEE Software. vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 36-41.
Seidewitz: What Models Mean, 2003. IEEE Software. vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 26-32, Tilgjengelig via Informatikkbibliotekets nettsider.