Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
25.01.2005Vera Goebel & Thomas Plagemann? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen? Introduction into the course? Live

01.02.2005Vera Goebel? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen? DSMS for Network Monitoring? Live

08.02.2006Joe Finney? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen? Mobile IP? Replay with Ovidiu Drugan

15.02.2006Vera Goebel? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen? Sensor Networks & DSMS? Live

22.02.2006Matti Siekkinen? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen? Measuring the Internet? Live

01.03.2006Matthias Hollick? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen? Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking 1? Live

08.03.2006Matthias Hollick ? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen ? Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking 2? Replay with Ovidiu Drugan

15.03.2006Guillaume Urvoy-Keller? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen ? Measuring link capacities in the Internet? Replay with Ovidiu Drugan

22.03.2006Thomas Plagemman? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen ? Message passing & event notification? Live

29.03.2006Ernst Biersack? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen? P2P systems for file replication? Replay with Ovidiu Drugan

05.04.2006Andreas Mauthe? Lille auditorium Informatikkbygningen ? Autonomic Networking? Live

Published Jan. 17, 2006 9:50 AM - Last modified Apr. 10, 2006 11:28 AM