The INF5063 Competition & Discussion will start at 13:15 on Thursday in Java (2423)
The GeForce GTX 580 is now up. The machine is changed to
We have some issues with the GTX 580 machine for the competition. The Compute 2.x architecure is also availible in GPU-5, 6, 7 and 8
INF5063 Asymmetric Multicore Challenge rules are now available. Participation is optional, but highly recommended.
Results for H1 are now available in Devilry.
Invitation: Friday 28st October, at 09.15, we will have a guest lecture by Torgeir Hovden, CTO Comoyo in INF5071 (room Postscript).
NOTE: No lecture on Friday the 28th October. The lecturer is unfortunately ill. See the updates in the detailed plan
Invitation: Friday 21st October, at 10.15, we will have a guest lecture by Rui Casais, CTO Funcom in INF5071 (room Postscript).
Home exam 1 results are presented in Java Thursday at 09. Prepare a talk of up to 10 minutes of your work.
We have fixed a mistake in the detailed schedule. There is no group lecture on Thursday, September 22. The introduction to video encoding is given on Friday, September 23.
IXP-8 is dead, IXP-5 can be used instead. The existing bookings for IXP-8 have been transferred to IXP-5.
Please check the assignment text for the new figure. The IP addresses have been corrected and should work now.
Please send an email to with group members if you already have a group, or request being assigned to a group with another student. Since there are many students enrolled this year, you must work with a partner on the assignments.
The booking system will be up on Monday and will require a username/password assigned to the group.
Utkast til detaljert kursplan er lagt ut, endringer kan forekomme.
Alle p?meldte i INF5063 kommer til ? f? plass. M?t allikevel opp p? f?rste forelesning.
Dette emnet har for mange p?meldte i forhold til antall plasser, hvilket betyr at s?kerne vil bli rangert. Resultat blir publisert p? Studentweb. M?t opp p? f?rste forelesning.